Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 America's favorite dad over the hill? Bill Cosby turns 50 tomorrow¿ Mitchell Greene asserts that Cosby has already earned his place in history, and his award-winning "Cosby Show" will long be remembered not only for its great entertainment value, but also for the strong impact it's had on American society.
2 Bush with an edge in the vice presidential sweepstakes? Clear choice as vice president for Republican presidential nominee George Bush. Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis, may struggle to enlist even one noteworthy running mate.
3 Getting there on time: you're playing the game of life. Placing too much emphasis on meeting societal expectations and deadlines can result in frustration, alienation, and unhealthy stress.
4 Increase in summer camps for kids meeting needs of 1980s America Carol Cooper says this recent proliferation of summer camps is meeting society's growing need for child day care. Also, Cooper tells parents what they should look for when selecting a camp for their children.
5 Today is Orangeman's day: more noteworthy that St. Patrick's Day? Russell Campbell says Orangeman's Day may be more worthy of celebration than St. Patrick's Day, asserting that William of Orange did more good than St. Patty.