Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Mary Jensen Shackelford Graduate Assistant Scholarship awarded to Elgin native. Janis Elaine Blockhus was awarded. She graduated with highest honors and a bachelor's degree in teaching middle school and junior high education. The Shackeford Scholarship is awarded to qualified graduate assistants in the Department of Curriculum.
2 Mary Jensen Shackelford Graduate Assistantship awarded to Elgin native. Blockhus is a 1980 bachelor's degree graduate, with highest honors, of Northern Iowa. She taught in Grinell and Big Piney, Wyo., prior to returning to graduate school this fall.
3 Northern Iowa to offer children's art workshops beginning in October. Area children can learn a variety of art skills and crafts throgh a series of workshops taught and supervised by UNI art education students.
4 Northern Iowa to offer four courses at Clear Lake this fall. Tutuion is due at the first class meeting and is $71 per semester hour for undergraduate credit and $105 for graduate credit. MasterCard and Visa are accepted.
5 Northern Iowa's Macker Union to feature plant sale, 'Funion' events next week. "Funion" is organized each year to "help students become familiar with the activites and facilities the Union has to offer, and to give members of student organizations a chance to meet student and get the word out.
6 University of Northern Iowa to offer a course in Bettendorf. Scott Community College will be the site of a course, "Methods of Teaching Trade and Technical Courses" offer this fall. Presents the basic principles of instruction for trade and technical courses.
7 University of Northern Iowa to offer a course in Council Bluffs "Foundations of Instructional Psychology" will be offered, three year master degree program. Study the factors involved in designing and implementing effective instructional environment.
8 University of Northern Iowa to offer courses at Fort Dodge. "Educational Reseach" and "School Laws" both offered at Iowa Central Community College by UNI.
9 University of Northern Iowa to offer four courses at clear lake this fall. "Foundations of Instructional Psychology," "Community Resourses," "Intorduction to Professional Counseling," and "Parent and Community Relations" are courses offered at Clear Lake this fall.
10 University of Northern Iowa to offer three classes at Peosta this fall. "Diagnostics Teaching of Reading and Language Arts," "Current Approaches to Classroom Discipline," and "Early Childhood Curriculum" graduate courses offer.