Issue Contents
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# | Article | Article Summary |
1 | Northern Iowa counseling center offering sessions for adult children of alcoholics. | The program is designed to assist all adult students who were raised in a dysfuntional family. |
2 | Northern Iowa honours recognize achievements, service. | Receiving Alumni Achievement Awards, the Association's most prestigious award, for significant accomplishments in their displine or profession, are Dean Roosa, Allan Carpenter, Robert Justis, Carol LeBeau-Hamilton. |
3 | Northern Iowa Kamerick Art Building to house photography exhibition by Andrew Borowiec during October | The black and white photographs reflect Borowiec's initial interest in the influence of economic factors on the landscape of small towns. Borowiec is an assistant professor of art and coordinator of photography program at the University of Akron, Ohio. |
4 | Northern Iowa's Don Briggs and Kim Mayden to be at UNI's One-Room School booth at National Dairy Cattle Congress. | Both coaches will be able to answer questions about their athletics programs, the University and the One-Room School as well as to distribute questionnaires to people who have taught or attended a one-room school. |
5 | Northern Iowa's Union policy board to sponsor second comedy club performance. | Davis Orion, a stand up comic from Chicago, will be the nest performer for the University of Northern Iowa's Union Policy Board Comedy Club Series. His talents include the impersonation of more than 100 voice as well as doing original voices. |
6 | University of Northern Iowa Museum Grand Opening, Sept. 24-25. | Kristine Hoepner puts the finishing touches on a map depicting the ecological regiond of the North American animals on display. North American mammals are just one of the displays visitors can view during the Museum's Grand Opening, Sept. 24-25. |
7 | University of Northern Iowa to offer class on hair styling, Sept. 25 in Independence. | A cosmetology seminar for persons intrested in learning the lastest hair styling techniques for fall and winter will be offered. Instrutor for the seminar is Bill Hill a membrt of Hair America. |