Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 As combines roll in to the fields, it's farm safety week. Farming is the nations more dangerous job. Ivan Eland says one of the reasons why accidents occur is that farmers work long hours and often work alone. Long hours can increase stress and fatigue leading to accidents.
2 As the lawn showing in your own backyard. Ron Camarata says, "Water can work a lot like fertilizer this year. There are a number of thing you can do to improve your lawns and get a jump start on spring."
3 Northern Iowa to host 27th Annual Fall Mathematics Confrence for 750 teachers. Keynote speakers selected because they are reconginzed authorites on using technology, specifically the effective use of microcomputers in the classroom setting. Fifity-seven session and a keynote speaker are scheduled.
4 One more reason to be a couch's national cable TV month. Major companies are investing millions of dollars into new cable television systems. Joseph Marchesani says cable TV systems are growing, but have not reached their full potential.
5 Preparing for the presidental debates¿candidates urged to rest up. First presidental debate has been scheduled for Sept. 25. Robert Ross says the debates will be extermely important, since be believes most voters have not made their final decisions.
6 There are computers in our classrooms but the don't compute. Sharon Smaldino says computers in the classroom may not be used to their fullest. Instucors lack a full understanding of the computers capabilites and of how they might be used effectivly in the classroom.
7 University of Northern Iowa to host debate between Harvard, Georgetown Thursday (Sept. 22) The topic of the debate is "Resolved: That the Federal government should implement a comprehensive program to guarantee retirement security for United States citizens over age 65." The debate is open to the public.