Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Information Power' focus for 8th School Library Media Confrence Friday (Sept. 30) at University of Northern Iowa Confrence will focus on information sources available, childrens' literature and incorpating computer programs into instruction.
2 Northern Iowa freshman Melissa Forsythe is first Rose Quick Scholarship recipient. Melissa Forsythe, a freshman prephysical therapy major at UNI. A graduate of Davis County High School in Bloomfield, is the first recipent of the Rose Quick Scholarship which is awarded to students from Southeast Iowa.
3 Number two score in nation on accountancy exam goes to University of Northern Iowa grad- first ever for state of Iowa; 12 more UNI grads honorable¿ Second highest score in the nation from among 70,000 accounting grads taking last May's Certified Public Accountant examination was achieved by Gregory Wiese. 12 of 16 Honorable Mention awards in the state of Iowa were received by Northern Iowa grads.
4 Roadside Vegetation Management Confrence Friday (Sept. 30) at Northern Iowa, John Deere Supervisor's Club. The confrence will focus on the integrated aspects of promoting roadside prairie, restoring marginal prairie and reducing, weed development. Keynote speaker will be Daryl Smith, UNI professor of biology.
5 UNI-Dome site for college fair and post high school planning program Oct. 4 The Association of College Admissions Counselors and the University of Northern Iowa will be hosting 1988-89 Post High School Planning Program. Students and parents will have an opportunity to visit with representatives. Listed are high schools attending.
6 University of Northern Iowa to offer Rose Horn Quick Scholarship to student from Southeat Iowa. A gift of $35,000 from Rose Horn Quick has been given to UNI with the intrest of the money to be used for scholarships for incoming freshmen from Southeast Iowa.The first recipent of the Rose Quick Scholarship was Melissa Forasythe, from Bloomfield.
7 Visiting Artist at Northern Iowa to conduct workshop on experimental paper making, give public lecture Tuesday and Wednesday (Sept. 27-28) Robert Glasgow will conduct workshops on experimental paper making and printing on handmade paper and deliever a slide lecture of his work.