Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 As the lawn showing your own backyard. Ron Camarata says water can work a lot like fertilizer during this time of year. There are a number of things that can be done on improve lawns and get a jump start on spring.
2 Autumn leaves are changing color earlier¿it may be drought damage. Alan Orr says he predicted early changes, and says a snap of cooler weather may mean that our fall foliage won't last very long.
3 It's colorless, odorless, and lives in the basement...radon. Studies indicate that one in four homes may have dangerous levels of radon gas have people concerned about the cancer causing substance. Howard Lyon says testing equipment is now sensitive enough to detect it.
4 Lux service medallion awards given. Two UNI May 1988 graduates are the recipients of the UNI Lux Service Medallion for service to the University and excellence in scholarship. Christine Albaugh from Marion and Lynn Boyce from Carroll were selected from 50 nominees for the top award.
5 Northern Iowa college debate tournament draws record numbers; standing room only crowd for opening public debate. The largest University of Northern Iowa College Debate Tournament on record concluded late Sunday evening on the Cedar Falls campus with teams from Baylor, Northwestern and Kansas State Universities taking first place in their respective divisions.
6 The Psychology of adjustment changes can bring on problems. John Somervill says we are always adjusting to new surroundings. There are always ways to make adjustments easier and adds that changes in lifestyle have brought on new "adjustment" problems.
7 Three UNI graduate students receive home economics scholarships. Ellen Spurlock, Patrica Higby, and Pamela Ohrt received the scholarships for 1988-1989. Spurlock received the Letitia Walsh scholarship, Higby and Orht received the $500 from the Iowa Home Economics Association.
8 University of Northern Iowa Radio News Network is back on the air! Two stories were unavailable this week because of our problems¿lawn care and cable TV month. Lawn care rescheduled for Monday, Sept. 26 and cable TV will not be rescheduled. Working to make UNI Radio News Network the best service in the state.
9 Yellowstone National Park scorched by fire, but far from destroyed. Paul Whitson say the fires actually have done some good. Fires are a natural process that haven't taken place in the parkfor 150 years, and adds that fires will provide scienctist with excellent opportunies to study, and possibly improve, the forest.