Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Elvis Lives' wins UNI College Bowl Tournament; all-star team to be chosen for regional competition. College Bowl teams competed for toss-up questions, covering a vast array of subjects, by buzzing in quickly with correct answers. Winners received Hardee's gift certificates.
2 University of Northern Iowa alum wins national public relations award. Tom Schoffelman, a 1988 graduate of UNI, was presented a National Gold Key Award, the highest honor bestowed on members of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
3 University of Northern Iowa's journal of student research and writing, 'Draftings In' series, presents two new volumes. "Drafting in Economics: Major Themes," and "Drafting in Vonnegut: The Paradox of Hope," a compilation of eight student essays, were recently published at UNI.