Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Regents approve departmental name change, other business for Northern Iowa. Regent approved name change of the Department of Information Management to Department of Finance. The Board approved a $116,330 consultant contract with Shive-Hattery Engineers and Architects to conduct comprehensive engineering analyses of 36 bulidings.
2 Regents approve Professional Development Leaves for 23 Northern Iowa faculty. Thirteen leaves planned for the fall semester, six for the sping semster and four for the academic year.
3 University of Northern Iowa annual art faculty exhibition,1989, open Jan. 16. Exhibit will feature artworks in a variety of mediums, designed to introduce the public to recent artistic activities and current work by the teaching faculty in Northern Iowa's Department of Art, according to Blair Benz.
4 University of Northern Iowa's Office of Public Relations receives top awards in communications recognition program. Office of Public Relations has received four "Exceptional Achievement" is the highest award granted in the Mid-America District's communications recognition program. The awards were for work in electronic media, publications and photography.