Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 City life proves to be "for the birds." Peregrine falcons are making a come back thanks to a project to help protect the endangered species. David Conrads says the falcons will soon be seen in Cedar Rapids.
2 Fiber-Fiber-Fiber-- We can't get enough of the stuff! Joanne Spaide says there are ways to find out just how much actual fiber is in a foods and says you don't have to eat something out of a box to put more fiber in your diet.
3 Hypothermia... the "big chill" can be deadly. Joan Thompson says the old and young are at the highest risk of being effected by a lowering of the body's temperature. It's true that most of the heat lost is through the head. Layers and a cap are the best protection.
4 Is anyone out there? The search for extraterrestrial life continues. A recent poll by the Des Moines Register shows that fourty percent of Iowans believes some other form of life exists on other planets.
5 Second place sweepstakes win for University of Northern Iowa individual events team. Four first place finishes in individual performances gave UNI's individual events team a second place finish in St. Olaf College Krossman Klassic tournament.
6 Supper immunity to illness may someday be a reality, but for now the best medicine is an ounce of prevention says University of Northern Iowa prof. Bob Goss says only by having dieases and finding new ways to defend against them, eating a proper diet and exercising regularly can we achieve super immunity.
7 Tropical oils¿ they won't give you a tan, but they will clog arteries. Coconut, palm and palm kernel are all saturated fats. Hattie Middleton companies are substituting lighter oils in their products, consumers should check the labels to try to reduce saturated fats from their diets.