Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Practical Militant Bolshevism and Romantic, Visionary Communism' to be topic of next University of Northern Iowa political science lecture, March 16 Timothy O'Connor will present views of Krasin and Lunacharskii, both men devoted to Marxist socialism and the Soviet government. Yet both differed, Krasin believing ideology and theory was the way of destroying Tsarism and Lunacharskii believed in power.
2 Registration deadline April 1 for Foreign Language Festival at University of Northern Iowa's Price Lab School April 22. Student's may participate in a variety of activities which include speaking the language they are studying. Activities include a bicycle race, treasure hunts, a quiz bowl, a speech contest and foreign food tasting, according to Jim Becker.
3 Two visiting scholars from the People's Republic of China are studying in the University of Northern Iowa's Department of Physics. Both Li You Cheng and Wei Chunfang hope to gain more expertise in their respective areas of study as well as a better understanding of the United States.
4 University of Northern Iowa's University Dames offers scholarship to adult women. Scholarship program encourages adult women whose education was interrupted for child care or work. Scholarships are granted on the basis of ability, motivation and financial need, and are administer through the Counseling Program for Adult Students.