Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 1990 census expected to create hot political battle lines in Iowa. Both as political district lines are redrawn, and as the candidates fight it out to keep their seats. It's expected that Iowa and many other Midwestern states will lose congressional representation, due to a loss in population.
2 Community colleges -- important and necessary in rural Iowa. Community colleges have served and important educational role in Iowa. People have been re-trained for new jobs, or have attended these school to achieve high educational goals. Community college expert Richard Alfred, presented about community colleges.
3 Making the world a more peaceful place to live begins in Iowa. The purpose of the Iowa Peace Institute is to start major breakthroughs in peace on the grass roots level. The organization is relatively new, but it is receiving nation wide attention.
4 Protect your hearing -- once it's lost, it won't come back. Bruce Plakke says most everyone will experience partial hearing loss. Damage to the mechanism of the ear is irreversible. Hearing aids work as amplifiers and do not work well at "tuning out" background noise.
5 University of Northern Iowa gives over 100 students on-the-job experience through Spring co-op placements. List of students participating in the co-op, their hometown, position and what firm and town they will be working in.
6 University of Northern Iowa names new vice president and provost Nancy Marlin selected as vice president for academic affairs and provost. Constantine Curris says, "Marlin understands the issues facing higher education in Iowa and throughout the country."
7 University of Northern Iowa to host inaugural technology challenge for state's industrial technology students, May 4-5. The purpose of Technology Student Association Competitive Events is to build student pride in work well done through recognition of individuals, groups and programs in career exploration, leadership, technical development and understanding of technology
8 V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! The best one take planning and preparation. Carole Hanson says you can often get the best buys on vacation bookings by making reservations in advance. She reminds people not to overlook travel agents, most of whom provide travel tips and information free of charge.