Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Fire up that grill! It's outdoor cookout time, but be careful. Phyllis Conklin, says there are some precautions that need to be taken to insure food is cooked properly. Making sure your barbeque equipment is in top working order is essential when cooking outdoors.
2 Improving China's educational system 00 the Iowa connection. Lawrence Kavich has been working to improve the educational system in China. Kavich has worked extensively for the Chinese government on economic issues, and says citizens there are demanding that progress be made to improve their standard of living.
3 Making decisions for economic development --success stories. Paul Winter says over 1,000 jobs have been created due to the work accomplished by the IDM. He says economies are improving, communities need to step up economic development efforts, especially now when many rural economies are on the upswing.
4 Northern Iowa names 1,356 students to 1989 Spring semester dean's list. List of 1,356 students named to the 1989 fall semester Dean's List. Fourteen percent of the undergraduate student body were cited for scholastic honors and will receive a notice from the Academic Affairs informing them their accomplishments.
5 Teaching trends examined --why are more students becoming teachers? Enrollment in teacher education programs increased by 20.2 percent between '85 and '86, and that figure continues to grow.
6 Vacation photos -- will yours be postcard perfect? Bill Witt says practice before hand and with some equipment and film precautions, anyone can take near perfect vacation pictures.