Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Dog day afternoon -- not a movie, but a weather related phenomenon. Shirley Cropper, says dog days are an ancient explanation for long periods of dry weather. July 3 to August 15 is recognized as dog days because of the astronomical configuration of the dog star Sirius, which rises during this period.
2 Employment prospects look promising for college graduates in 1990s says University of Northern Iowa career counselor. Ken Jacobsen says the future looks promising and people graduating from college now and over the course of the next few years should find the job market favorable. To take advantage of this more lucrative job market, a college diploma will be necessary.
3 Marvelous microbes-- inexpensively cleaning up landfills and purifying water. Bob Goss says natural bacteria's can be used to clean up oil spills, remove pesticides from groundwater, and eat the poisons left in our landfills for about one-fourth the cost of traditional clean up efforts.
4 The politics of abortion-- a major campaign issue. Recent Supreme Court decision allowing states to regulate abortions has become a hot political topic. Robert Ross, says how the candidates feel about the issue will be a major factor in the outcome of the '90 elections.
5 The sting -- is there any way to keep the 'skeeters' away? The advent of more rain in some areas this year has hatched out a bumper crop of the bugs. Iowa officials are on the lookout for tiger mosquitoes, a new strain that has been found in the surrounding states.
6 Thinking of RAGBRAI expedition? Try a bike club! Cathy Roberts will be one of the thousands on this year's ride, and says there are definite benefits to going on the ride as part of a bike club.