Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A Valdez oil spill every three weeks- it happens courtesy of home mechanics. The amount of oil dumped by home auto mechanics every two to three weeks amounts to just as much was spilled by the Valdez. John Konefes, says the U.S. Produces 1.2 billion gallons of used oil each year, and very little is reclaimed.
2 Dear Broadcasters, Due to a scheduled power loss to our building on Friday, November 24, we are holding our Radio News Network story on home energy conservation for air on Monday.
3 Getting the most out of parent-teacher conferences. Ann Vernon says parent teacher conferences are important opportunities for parents to ask questions. Vernon gives questions to ask your child's teacher.
4 Harmful effects of noise also harm wildlife as well as people. Joseph Smaldino, says research shows that society is getting noisier. That's causing a problem for wildlife, where noises are interfering with signaling and cause wildlife to become stressed-out.
5 Home energy conservation- weather-stripping can keep you warm and save $$. Jere Wheatley says on the average, one-third of the heat in our homes is lost through infiltration. Homeowners who weather-strip and caulk around windows and doors can easily save over $100 a season in heating bills.
6 Iowa landfills will no longer accept used oil after July 1, 1990; Iowa waste reduction center at University of Northern Iowa recommends alternatives. Dumping or land filling oil can pose serious environmental hazards. Most fuel and motor oils contain lead, arsenic and cadmium, sometimes in very high concentrations.
7 Northern Iowa graduate student receives talented and gifted research award. Janice Blockhus, sixth grade teacher at Price Laboratory School recently received the 1989 Talented and Gifted Advanced Research Award for her previous work as a graduate assistant in the UNI Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
8 Nuclear power- what happens when concerns arise but the need grows. The need for more electricity in this country continues, but concerns over how to stop pollution that's produced by power plants remains a critical issue. Many nuclear power plants are reaching their life expectancy.
9 Prison and education- believe it or not, the costs are the same. Clemens Bartollas says there is a direct connection between the school dropout rate and prison populations. In many cases schools are failing to provide stimulating educational environments and skill development courses like anger management.
10 Third of Louise Forest Shakespeare lecture series Dec. 4 at University of Northern Iowa. The final segment of a three part lecture series tracing the development of William Shakespeare as an artist through an early, middle and late tragedy.
11 University of Northern Iowa debaters take individual honors at Georgetown. Ken Schuler and Aaron Hawbaker were the third-seeded team coming out of preliminary rounds with a 6-2 record. The team of Dan Janssen and Jon Morphew compiled a 4-4 record in preliminary rounds and did not advance to octofinals.