Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 An educational awakening- educators now stress "global education." Steve Rose says global education means developing a perspective in young people that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life on the planet.
2 Avoiding the crowds, malls, and shopping hub-bub mail order gift giving. Saul Diamond, says convenience and price are two of the reasons why more people are shopping by mail. He says companies work overtime during the holiday season to make sure customers receive their merchandise by December 24.
3 Cross country skiing is best aerobic exercise, says University of Northern Iowa physical education professor. Experts say cross country skiing is the best aerobic activity because there is no jamming as there is no running. You don't need to do it well to enjoy it. Jeanette Marsh suggests taking one lesson to learn the proper technique.
4 Driving when the weather turns ugly- winter travel tips. Gehrig La Velle says new anti-lock brakes and snow tires can make a big difference when driving in winter weather. He recommends keeping a winter survival kit in your car, and not traveling when weather forecasters predict blizzards.
5 Employing students through cooperative education gets boost from oasis. Allan Stamberg says a year old program called Oasis, is now helping students find housing and co-op jobs in Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Omaha, and St. Louis.
6 Exercising when the snow flies- strap on a pair of skis. Cross-country ski enthusiasts are hoping for a blanket of at least four inches of snow. During the past two years skiers in the Midwest have had a hard time finding enough snow to ski on.
7 Fifteen Iowa leaders facilitate rural economic development as members of advisory council for Northern Iowa's institute for decision making. Institute for Decision Making has the mission of supporting and diversifying Iowa's economy, helping Iowa communities, private businesses and not for profit organizations as they design and implement economic.
8 Holidays can be stressful time for victims of eating disorders. Typical victims of eating disorders are young women, in their teens or twenties, Joan Thompson says although increasingly, older women are developing the symptoms, too.
9 Rotaract club informational meeting to be Thursday at University of Northern Iowa. Rotaract, an organization for young adults to promote better relations between all people worldwide through friendship and service.
10 Three professors from Spanish university to visit University of Northern Iowa. The three men represent the University of Extremadura, the only Spanish university with which Northern Iowa maintains a formal student exchange program. Deans Chaparro Gomez and Macias Canal Macias, and Dr. Ramon Lopez Ortega will visit Spanish classes.