Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Annual spring folk dance concerts set for April at University of Northern Iowa The Folk Ensemble presents the Spring Folk Dance Festival in West Gymnasium and the Auditorium Building. The Folk Ensemble Is sponsored by the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, as well as the Northern Iowan Student Government.
2 Minorities in Teaching Program The Minorities in Teaching Program is a partnership with Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Sioux City, and Waterloo that identifies young minority students who show potential for careers in education. Professor Richard Strub coordinates the program.
3 University of Northern Iowa and community to clean up Dry Run Creek Saturday (April 7) Members of the Conservation Club, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Sierra Club, and the Isaac Walton League of America volunteer to clear the banks of Dry Run Creek of trash. The cleanup effort is a joint operation between UNI and area businesses.
4 University of Northern Iowa Debate duo of Hawbaker and Schuler cap their debate career as number two team in the nation on season record The debate duos of Aaron Hawbaker and Ken Schuler, and Dan Janssen and Jon Morphew compete in the National Debate Tournament. The teams were accompanied by Professors Walter Ulrich and William Henderson.
5 University of Northern Iowa offers summer natural history workshop for teachers The Iowa Conservation Education Council and Department of Natural Resources sponsor the Natural History Potpourri Workshop. The workshop allows students to explore forests, prairie, and ponds throughout southwest Iowa.