Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Inclusive schools" movement seeks to integrate disabled students into regular classrooms Professors William and Susan Stainback support the integration of disabled individuals with other elementary students. Schools Are For Everyone (SAFE) is a nationwide organization working toward school integration.
2 Congressional terms- how long should congressional members reign? Some people are proposing a 12 year limit on the number of years a person can serve in Congress. Tom Ryan believes that is not a good idea. Putting a limit in progress would require amending the Constitution, which isn't an easy thing to do.
3 How's your blood pressure? Regular check-ups urged. Barbara Krieg says people who have a family history of high blood pressure should have it checked regularly. Exercise, changes in diet, and not smoking are ways to lower blood pressure levels.
4 Incandescent vs. florescent- changing the bulbs we use could save energy. Jere Wheatley says while florescent lighting uses less energy, it takes more energy to produce a florescent light and fixture. New technologies are making some revolutionary improvements in our standard incandescent bulbs.
5 Looking for crayons? Don't bother to look in school art classrooms. Annette Swann says other more creative forms of art expression are used in favor of crayons. She says the movement in art classrooms is to combine language art skills with visual art techniques.
6 Mentors serve as guides to outstanding students. List of Northern Iowa students, faculty and staff are benefiting from a mentor leadership program offered by the Studies in Leadership Development Program at UNI.
7 Northern Iowa professor Dr. Robert Waller to speak to Mt. Pleasant organizations. Waller will speak to the Kiwanis Club on "Present Benefits, Future Costs." Waller is a nationally recognized teacher and scholar of applied mathematics, economics and social policy. He is also an accomplished musician, writer and photographer.
8 School uniforms: should they be required in all schools? Anne Federlein, says school uniforms are a trend we're going to see more of. School uniforms make it easier on parents, are less expensive, and have been proven to create a better atmosphere for learning in the classroom.
9 University of Northern Iowa to host 3rd annual all-Iowa teacher recruiting fair may 22-23. Approximately 85 school districts across the United States will have the opportunity to interview prospective teachers at the third annual All-Iowa Teacher Recrutuing Fair.
10 Visiting African scholar to present day-long workshop at University of Northern Iowa Friday (May 4). His workshop "From Myths to Realities" will acquaint participants with the African worldview- traditional African responses to the universal questions of human purpose and destiny.