Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Are the leaves changing colors earlier? Blame it on acid rain. Acid rain may be the cause of trees turning color earlier.
2 Construction begins on Center for Applied Research in Metal Castings at University of Northern Iowa: New director appointed Center for Applied Research in Metal Casting names new director and begins construction on new facility.
3 Northern Iowa students receive home economics scholarships Two UNI master's degree candidates receive scholarships.
4 Oh where, oh where have our graduates gone: the Iowa brain drain Student survey shows graduates leaving Iowa because of higher wages elsewhere.
5 Study shows Americans are shopping dumb Questions concerning purchasing a new home were incorrectly answered by nearly 50% of survey participants.
6 The battle for your vote--political styles of Harkin & Tauke Close race is seen between candidates Harkin and Tauke. Both have solid records.
7 What do students see as their biggest problems in school? Even the most well adjusted students will encounter problems somewhere in their school careers.
8 Why bag or burn it when you can compost: let it rot! Composting is an easy and environmentally sound practice for dealing with fallen leaves.