Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Allan R. Shickman Publishes article on King Lear.
2 Deborah Zlotsky Work on exhibit in Wisconsin.
3 Dhirendra Vajpeyi Editor of volumes on India.
4 Gerald Smith Receives accounting education award.
5 Jeffrey Byrd Work on exhibit in New York; another show upcoming in Des Moines.
6 JoAnn Schnabel Exhibitions in several Midwest locations.
7 Michael L. Klassen and Karen A. Glynn Publish paper on catalogue loyalty.
8 Robley Wilson Receives McKay research award.
9 Thomas M. Davis Gave three presentations.
10 Three new academic heads at UNI Joel Haack succeeds Dave Duncan in Math; Philip Suckling replaces Jonathan Lu in Geography; Christopher Edginton succeeds William Thrall in HPELS.
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# Article Article Summary
11 A "Diversity" of activities Schedule of events.
12 Eiklor: Iowa professor of the year Professor Eiklor honored by CASE; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Why celebrate Homecoming '91?--cause "Jamaica me happy!" Description of this year's activities.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Parade marshall chosen T. Wayne Davis will be honored.
15 Profile: Murray Austin Profile of Professor Murray Austin; photo.