Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 $67,000 in new equipment helps Iowa Plastics Technology Center increase services available to Iowa companies New equipment purchased by the Iowa Plastics Technology Center allows for increased services, according to Ramon Klemmensen.
2 20 initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa at University of Northern Iowa New members of Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leadership honor society, are selected based on academic achievement, leadership involvement on campus, and community activities.
3 A menace to the mouth Chewing tobacco companies are targeting the younger generation. Potential damage to the mouth and gums can be hazardous to their health, says Sue Joslyn.
4 Can one handle the work of two? Robert Ross airs his concerns about the proposed reduction at the state level to a one house system.
5 Conflict management program in schools expands beyond the playground. Fifth and sixth grade students serve as mediators on the playground. They do not break up physical fighting, but are available to other students for help and advice on interactions with other children.
6 Have our children bitten off more than they can chew? Children seem to be overbooked with activities. There simply are too many choices for young people to make without the help and guidance of parents, according to Mary Franken.
7 President Peter Arnette? Geof Mills states that innovations in communications are paving the way for a new global economy.
8 The rambunctious ones are policing themselves. Conflict resolution is being put into the hands of students at Price Lab School, says Clare Struck.
9 Two metro area physics majors at University of Northern Iowa benefit NASA through summer research projects Joel Agee and James Anderson, physics majors, used NASA funded grants to study vibrations of wire and measured microscopic roughness of a surface.
10 UNI faculty and staff serve as resources for information on current news topics Faculty and staff are listed in areas of expertise on current news topics. Contact information is provided.
11 University of Northern Iowa senior from State Center benefits NASA through behavioral research project Deborah Honeck named one of twenty-six winners from Iowa of the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Grant. These grants are funded by NASA.
12 University of Northern Iowa sophomore from Cedar Falls works to benefit NASA through summer research project Joel Agee received a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Grant from NASA. His study deals with surface erosion in outer space using holograms to aid in the determination.
13 University of Northern Iowa sophomore from Hudson studies vibration in wires as part of NASA Summer Research Project James Anderson has been named one of twenty-six winners from Iowa of the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Grant. These grants are sponsored by NASA.