Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Rural Iowa" project with University of Northern Iowa, Indian Hills Community College and four Iowa high schools receives $251,137 grant $251,137 grant from the US Department of Education will allow the Office of Admissions and Indian Hills to work with students from the school districts of Albia, Moravia, Seymour, and Wayne of Corydon on strategies for academic success.
2 "Temps may soar into the teens today"--Probably due to global warming." Philip Suckling says that recent changes in our weather pattern are nothing new; it is too early to tell if they are due to a long term warming trend.
3 A label law for folks fickle about their food. Sue Joslyn notes that the Food and Drug Administration is putting many new food labeling regulations into effect.
4 Articulation agreements with community colleges make for smooth transition into University of Northern Iowa Cooperation between UNI and six community colleges aids students in pursuing BS degrees in electro-mechanical systems, through the Department of Industrial Technology.
5 Choosing children's books that will last a lifetime Lucille Lettow provides guidelines for adults in purchasing books for children.
6 In God we trust--Even more than last year Religious membership in the United States grew by more that two million people in the last two years, according to Edward Amend.
7 Is the American dream made of plastic? Phil Murray states that if Congress passes a law that puts a cap on credit card interest rates, millions of creditworthy consumers will have their cards cancelled.
8 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news Available faculty and staff are listed to give added information on current topics in the news.
9 We have no room in our penitentiary today, but we're taking reservations Clem Bartollas urges examination of other solutions to the prison over-population problem than building more cells at a cost of between $60,000 and $70,000 per cell.