Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Buy American": harmless deception or a misleading marketing ploy? Buy American can apply to items that are only assembled in the United States.
2 "Hey, Mr. Librarian! I need to now the incubation period of a peacock." Lawrence Kieffer states that the life of a librarian is anything but mundane.
3 "This democracy stuff isn't as glamorous as we thought it would be." Tim O'Connor reports that the media's depictions of Russia's dire lack of food are not exaggerated.
4 AIDS research progresses slowly, with dim light at end of tunnel. Researchers are frantically looking for new drugs that will prolong life for AIDS patients, according to Karla Fegley.
5 Courses in Infant/Toddler Care and Education, and Educational Research to

esearch to be offered in Cedar Rapids by University of Northern Iowa
Margaret Weiser and Carmen Montecinos are scheduled to teach courses in Cedar Rapids dealing with educational research and infant/toddler care and education.
6 Fine line between teaching self-discipline and saying it's okay to quit, says University of Northern Iowa Counselor Ann Vernon feels kids are having difficulty finding time in their schedules to just be kids.
7 Northern Iowa sources for this week/s topics in the news Faculty members available to give more information on current news topics are listed.
8 University of Northern Iowa considers controlling enrollment growth Enrollment growth control is being considered due to declining state support,
9 Who's playing God... "Dr. Death" or advanced medical technology Assisted suicides of terminally ill patients have raised the debate concerning euthanasia. Ed Amend states that this debate will resound throughout the 1990s.