Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Crit Streed Works on display in Waterloo.
2 Karen Mills Old Gold receives First Class rating for seventh consecutive year.
3 Licensing the logo University establishes licensing program for its logos.
4 Mary Bozik Presents paper on teacher communication.
5 Rebecca Burkhardt Honored at conducting workshop.
6 Robert Washut Serves as conductor in Illinois.
7 Thomas W. Keefe Publishes article.
8 Women's History Month at UNI Schedule of activities.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Visualizing the possibilities via computers New product will help market twenty-eight Iowa communities; another system helps Facilities Planning staff; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
10 "Real Life" at Northern Iowa Public Relations produces a recruiting video.
11 This week on campus, speaking about . . . . Kesho Scott and Sheila Tobias will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Profile: Tim Cooney Profile of Professor Tim Cooney.