Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Just a keystroke away--UNI catalog information Catalogue now available via Infosys.
2 UNI undergraduate research Eight students will present research to meeting in Minneapolis.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Budget cut--again Fifth budget cut in twelve months will take $152,000.
4 NAR's cover story Will feature work of Tina Ingraham.
5 Planning underway for performing arts center Richard Devlin visits campus.
6 UNI withdraws from NCATE Some believe accreditation system is too costly.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Profile: Dennis Husome, Greg Thies Profile of elevator mechanics; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Jean Kimball Publishes articles on James Joyce.
9 Robert Washut Writes three arrangements of Des Moines Symphony.
10 Thomas M. Davis Presents lectures in Tennessee.
11 Tony McAdams, Farzad Moussavi, and Michael Klassen Publish paper on employee appearance.