Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "It's just a minor error in addition--God's even forgiven me already!" Jon Stone reports that Robert Tilton, a TV evangelist, is following in the footsteps of Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart. Corruption in televangelism will continue as long as money from supporters keeps pouring in.
2 A far cry from "The Jazz Singer." Shelia Bland states the road for black actors has been and continues to be uphill.
3 Annual high school art scholarship competition day April 3 at University of Northern Iowa Keynote speaker for the Student Art Association program will be Paul Wharton. Fifty high school seniors will be competing for four four-year full tuition scholarships.
4 Dubuque junior at UNI works at Black Hawk County Courthouse in Co-op Program Cooperative Education provides Ronda Cook the opportunity of working as a personnel assistant in the human resources department at the Black County Courthouse.
5 Eight University of Northern Iowa students presenting undergraduate research projects at the 6th annual NCUR The Sixth National Conference on Undergraduate Research will include presentations of projects by eight UNI students.
6 Ideal images? Cynthia Bickley-Green states that the media have set the standard for the design, composition, and maintenance of the "perfect woman". Bickley-Green also talks about how images of beauty are used against women..
7 Media advisory Baji Rankin will speak on the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.
8 Minneapolis designer to speak at University of Northern Iowa April 3 Problems and challenges found in the graphic design profession will be the topics of a presentation at UNI.
9 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news UNI faculty and staff named as sources of more information for items in the news this week.
10 Past times for America's pastime. Robert Neymeyer reports that Iowa played a major role in making our national pastime what it is today.
11 Reading aloud to children is powerful learning tool, says University of Northern Iowa literacy expert Jeannie Steele encourages parents to read aloud to their children for fifteen minutes every day. This time increases the bonding between parent and child and encourages the learning process.
12 Reading aloud to children is powerful learning tool, says University of Northern Iowa literacy expert Professor Steele believes that if parents in every home in the U.S. would read aloud to their children for fifteen minutes a day, it would revolutionize our schools.
13 The spill heard 'round the world James Olson says the third anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spell should make us examine our own waste disposal habits.