Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Maybe we don't have it so bad after all." Berend Berlyjn, a political analyst from Holland, states that perhaps the political system in the U.S. is not so bad after all. In his country, political candidates can be rude, "hide" from the press, and are rarely involved with the community.
2 "You must be hallucinating, Mom. I thought I heard you say 'School Time.'" Judith Finkelstein endorses the year-round education plan.
3 An economic epidemic. According to Ken Basom, the economies of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe are in disarray.
4 Bowlin named new director of University of Northern Iowa's Small Business Development Center SBDC names Lyle Bowlin as its new director.
5 Consider needs of individual children in planning summer activities According to Clare Struck, younger children need to have some continuous social contact that can be achieved by : Tot Lot programs, recreation/creative arts programs, or summer school activities.
6 Math anxiety may close doors to the future: Work being done to prevent its development in young children Paul Trafton believes that math anxiety is very real to the people who have it.
7 Safer solvent solutions. Kim Gunderson states that the cost to small businesses of reclaiming or disposing of petroleum based solvents can be high.
8 Seminar on "American Immigration Basics" set for June 18 at University of Northern Iowa U.S. Immigration Law will be the topic of an informational seminar at UNI. Scott Borene will address the group.
9 Sit a spell¿.Take your shoes off According to Marilyn Mercado the best way to while away time is with a captivating piece of leisure reading.
10 University of Northern Iowa graduates to work in Scotland Karla and Peter Duff are part of an exchange program that allows them to work in Scotland during the summer.