Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Kids Network' combines interdisciplinary learning opportunities with leading edge technology Elementary students in several dozen classrooms in Iowa are using "Kids Network'. This network is a technology supported science program including experiences in social science, cultural studies, language arts, communication skills, and mathematics
2 Answering the call of the wild. Debra Jordan shares favorite hot spots for a week-long outdoor trip.
3 Does ERA stand for the Extra Radical Anarchy? Aaron Podolefsky shares the results of his review of court cases related to ERA.
4 Driving for a dash of diversity Janet McClain has prompted minority members to enter the education field as the percentage of minorities in the population continues to increase.
5 Keeping teachers on the cutting edge. Vickie Trent is working with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to establish a voluntary certification program to guarantee accomplished teachers.
6 New blood replaced the magic they once had, Marvin Jensen says the newly appointed member of the AIDS commission will be able to get the job done.
7 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news Topics for debate this week at UNI include: debate impact, can special plants rebloom, and earthquakes.
8 Three lectures on ethics October 22 and 23 next topics for Hearst lecture Series at University of Northern Iowa Michael Pritchard, Deni Elliot, and David Morgan will be speak on ethics during the Hearst Lecture Series this month. Next month Seyyed Hossein Nasr will speak on Islam in Today's World.
9 University of Northern Iowa measles immunization deadline extended UNI students must be immunized for measles prior to registering for the spring semester. Over half of the student body have had their shots. With the deadline approaching, the University has extended the deadline.
10 University of Northern Iowa part of select field test network for teacher certification UNI has been selected as the only site in the Midwest to participate in a National field test Network involving Iowa classroom teachers in shaping teaching standards for the nation.
11 University of Northern Iowa ROTC program accepting applications for three-year scholarships ROTC accepting scholarship applications.
12 University of Northern Iowa's Price Lab School students to get "hands-on" political experience conducting telephone survey Lee Weber's American government students will be part of a telephone survey of the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area concerning federal and state elections.