Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Assignment UNI Each Monday the PR office at UNI will make available the listings for items the press may wish to cover. The list does not include athletic events.
2 Getting stronger by the year. Orlando Dial will speak at UNI about "the strong black male".
3 How to take back the yo- yo you got for Christmas Susan Kano thinks that dieting only leads to losing weight and then gaining it back in cycles.
4 Killing to be killed Katherine Van Wormer feels that some suicidal people may commit murder so they then can be put to death.
5 Many are hoping animals don't get their day in the sun. James Robinson states that most people do not know the history of Ground Hog Day folklore.
6 Message of strength, hope for all children goal of award-winning children's authors Fred and Patricia McKissick spoke at UNI on their goals of instilling positive attitudes when children are young.
7 Northern Iowa sources for this week's topics in the news Combating acne and germs on the rise are this week's topics.
8 The best way to take out the trash. Susan Salterberg says that consumers need to get in the recycling frame of mind.
9 University of Northern Iowa and family UMCA sponsoring Second Annual Great Basketball Shootout Great Basketball Shootout is open to a wide range of children and adults. The event is co-sponsored by UNI and the YMCA.
10 University of Northern Iowa, the Ground Round, and KWAY Radio sponsoring parent and child basketball clinic Children in second grade through eighth grades and their parents are eligible to attend a clinic aimed at improving skills and the parents role in the child's athletic development.
11 Visiting scholar finds University of Northern Iowa different Nirmala Salgado, a visiting international scholar from Sri Lanka, came to UNI because she had never been at a state school.