Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Hog over heels . . . .
Kurt Warner kisses pig as part of Senior Week; photo.
2 New fraternity to expand horizons for business majors
Student attempts to found chapter of business professional fraternity Delta Sigma Pi.
3 Panther Push promotes UNI with student presentations; "best public relations and marketing tool for UNI"
UNI students make presentations to high school students.
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# Article Article Summary
4 A Weltha Knowledge
Weltha--Craig D. (Class of 1993)
Speculates on happiness.
5 Ed majors speak out for GPA's
Kane--Mary (Class of 1993)
Outlines possible reasons why grades of education students are higher than those of business students.
6 Wrong to compare curricula
Heaney--Michael T. (Class of 1993)
Believes that each curriculum has its own demands.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Campaign platforms announced
Krueger--Bethany (Class of 1995)
Outline platform.
8 New NISG program introduced
Judas--Jay Corey (Class of 1994)
"Don't Do It Alone" program promotes prevention of assault on campus.
9 Student backs Judas/Fuhrman ticket's "necessary experience"
10 Student backs Judas/Fuhrman ticket's "necessary experience"
Dolgener--Jennifer A. (Class of 1993)
Supports candidates.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Responses continue to bash Bantz
Anderson--Matthew (Class of 1994)
Critical of recent letter-writer.
12 Responses continue to bash Bantz
Critical of recent letter-writer.
13 Responses continue to bash Bantz
Finds comments of recent letter-writer offensive.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Cooperative effort expected to help Native American girls UNI will assist in program to bring Girl Scout organization to Mesquakie settlement.
15 Public Safety log Campus crime report.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Speech team places third
Places third in twenty-two team event.
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# Article Article Summary
17 B-movie gags hustle smiles
Gerlach--Allison M. (Class of 1993)
A review of the movie "Matinee"
18 Dinosaur Jr.; Where you been
A review of music by the group Dinosaur Jr.
19 Hunk-a-hunk-a burnin' love UNI student wins Elvis contest; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Bash & Pop; Friday Night is Killing Me
A review of the band "Bash & Pop."
21 Trumpets and strings International Trio and Jazz Band will play.
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# Article Article Summary
22 BU coach calls game "a travesty"
Jensen--John R. (Class of 1993)
Bradley coach displeased when officials do not arrive for game.
23 Hot and cold Panthers go on scoring spree; Men's basketball defeats Braves
Jensen--John R. (Class of 1993)
UNI defeats Bradley, 81-76; photo.
24 UNI wrestlers pound Cal State, squeak by Purdue University
Ferchen--Jon D. (Class of 1993)
Panthers defeat Cal State, 25-10, and Purdue, 19-18; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Panther profile; UNI basketball: Terry Merfeld
Jensen--John R. (Class of 1993)
Profile of basketball player Terry Merfeld; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Men's track places second on the road; Matt Casillas breaks school record in 35-lb weight throw
Panthers place second in the Central Collegiate Championships.
27 Women's track finds success at Iowa State
Women's track team breaks four records at Iowa State Classic.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Women's basketball team pulls together for crucial Valley win
Panthers defeat Indiana, 78-59.
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# Article Article Summary
29 UNI diver earns personal best at invitational
Jason Pavelka performs a personal best, Jen Folsom performs well at Western Illinois Diving Invitational.