Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Assignment UNI Weekly sampling of activities and events at UNI are listed.
2 Conflicting role models? Len Froyen believes bringing back a sense of community will help solve many differences between parents and teachers.
3 Nevada couple named 1993 Parents of the Year for University of Northern Iowa Parents' Weekend honors Khammy and Bounthieng Luck as UNI Parents of the Year.
4 No sex, please, we're teenagers Joel Wells has serious reservation s regarding the effectiveness of covenants signed by teenagers to reaming chaste until marriage.
5 Not leaving Wel(fare) enough alone. Katherine Van Wormer has reservations about experiments encouraging welfare recipients to find work.
6 Phonics: Phriend or Phoe? Dale Johnson still believes learning phonics is still the best way to become literate.
7 Sources Fire insurance and the California fires, war to end all wars, and don't forget are the topics for discussion this week at UNI.
8 Structural damage. Randl Pilkington and other UNI officials are concerned about the lack of willlingness to change community infrastructures in Iowa, in spite of the cities recognizing the poor condition of their infrastructures.
9 The University of Northern Iowa prepares for Parents' Weekend November 12-14 Activities announced for annual Parents' Weekend at UNI.
10 Understanding normal problems of growing up can help parents, teachers work with children Ann Vernon reminds parents that children still have some very normal developmental issues with which to deal.