Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Euro-NAFTA Mahmood Yousefi feels that with the passing of NAFTA, European countries may follow suit and negotiate with the U.S. on similar trade deals.
2 More than meets the eye. Diversity encompasses more than just skin color according to Debra Jordan.
3 Moving on up. New single family home sales jumped 20.8% in September--the highest since December 1986.
4 New 'wave' of music in store for school music classrooms. Debbie Gordon was a delegate from Iowa to a special symposium on the teaching of general music in pre-school through college levels, presented by the Music Educators National Conference.
5 Revealing inner thoughts. AIDS is the topic of a theatre production scripted and directed by Karen Mitchell.
6 Sources & Assignment UNI Conspiracy or not is the topic for this weeks discussion. Fred Waldstein will speak on "Leadership Education within the Context of Citizen Democracy". Randy Hogancamp will conduct the UNI Percussion Ensemble in concert.
7 The Kennedy connection. John Johnson says the JFk left us in the prime of his life and as one of the most charismatic presidents in history.