Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 South Padre Spring Break 1994 UNI students on beach; photo.
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2 Courage at the bottom of a glass
Trenkamp--Timothy D. (Class of 1994)
Behavior encouraged by alcohol consumption.
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3 Golden Key National Honor Society charters new UNI chapter
New chapter of academic honors organization will recognize scholastic achievement of students in all fields.
4 Speakers kick off the celebration of Earth Month Schedule of speakers.
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5 Cedar Falls Tae Kwon Do presents promotional awards
List of people receiving new ranks.
6 What are you doing with your life?
Services offered by Placement and Career Services.
7 Winona LaDuke speaks at UNI on indigenous rights Speaker advocates protection of endangered cultures.
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8 Annual juried student art exhibition opens April 7 Gallery of Art will show UNI students' work; photo.
9 Political Science Society hosts Murder Mystery Party
Description of upcoming event.
10 UNI to host conference on social science research First UNI Undergraduate Social Science Research Conference.
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11 All-State Speech Festival draws thousands to UNI Four thousand may attend Iowa High School Speech Association Individual Events All-State Festival.
12 Sigma Xi Student Research Conference Schedule for the conference.
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13 Sax player Jimmy Heath will appear at UNI for concert with Jazz Band 1 Profile of Heath; photo
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14 This is the Week of the Greeks at UNI
Christians--Barbra L.
Schedule of Greek Week activities.
15 World Music, World Dance--Travel without leaving UNI International Dance Theatre and International Music Ensemble will present spring concert; photo.
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16 College Hill Connection can market your crafts or sell you wild gifts
College Hill store offers a variety of products; photo.
17 James B. Robinson speaks on topic of Angels and Humanity UNI religion professor will speak in Philosophy and Religion Forum.
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18 Extra! Extra! This one's less fulfilling than platonic sex
Review of "The Paper".
19 Jensen and DeFrancisco give presentation on women leaders UNI speech professors will lecture on contemporary leadership.
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20 'Ancestors Known & Unknown' exhibit to celebrate women artists of color at the Hearst Will offer events to complement touring exhibit.
21 Standard Golf Company donates $100,000 to UNI Cedar Falls company donates $75,000 for the Performing Arts Center and $25,000 for a track scholarship; part of Leading, Building, Sharing campaign.