Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campaign reaches goal a year early
Kane--Linda L. (Class of 1996)
UNI Foundation reaches $25 million goal in "Leading, Building, Sharing" campaign; breakdown of plans for money.
2 Lightning cracks CAC
Johnson--Janet (Student--1994)
Lightning strikes CAC and does about $5000 in damage.
3 Show me the way
Mills--Jeff (Student--1994)
Prospective students tour campus; photo.
4 Student activity fees hidden in tuition
Prins--Todd A. (Class of 1994)
Graph shows how fees are to be used.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Cause of student's death unknown Autopsy results are inconclusive in death of Camp Adventure student.
6 Co-op gives students edge
Wendl--Keith D. (Classes of 1994 and 2002)
Cooperative education is productive to many students.
7 Union to get statue, reflecting pool Work has begun on pool and sculpture in area southwest of Maucker Union.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Avoid maturity by skipping a car payment
Nodurft--Diane M. (Class of 1994)
Recalls experience with brother at Sturgis Falls Days.
9 Reflecting pool not bad idea, but it could have been better Believes that this may not be the best place for a reflecting pool.
10 Soccer fans need riots
Meisenheimer--Blake E. (Class of 1995)
Cannot understand appeal of soccer.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Arming Public Safety may be dangerous
Van Wormer--Katherine S. (Social Work Faculty)
Reacts to recent NISG resolution favoring weapons for Public Safety officers.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Music Review, Toad the Wet Sprocket
Wilkinson--William J. (Class of 1995)
Review of the album 'Dulcinea' by Toad the Wet Sprocket.
13 Summer heat requires caution
Nguyen--Thy Q. (Classes of 1995 and 2001)
Tips on dealing with heat.
14 Theatre UNI summer rep '94; "Someone who'll watch over me" impresses
Wilkinson--William J. (Class of 1995)
Review of play.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Theatre UNI kicks off Summer Rep
Wilkinson--William J. (Class of 1995)
Schedule of productions.
16 Wyatt Earp direction flawless
Thomas--Chad A. (Class of 1995)
Review of movie 'Wyatt Earp' with Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaid.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Grout Museum holds baseball retrospective
Gruhn--Matthew A. (Class of 1995)
Grout Museum holding a display called 'Pitched Heat: Professional Baseball in Waterloo'.
18 Untitled
Mills--Jeff (Student--1994)
Runners at Sturgis Falls; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Players' union selfish in considering strike
Gruhn--Matthew A. (Class of 1995)
Cannot understand baseball strike.