Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Agenda set for Critical Writing Contest to be held at the University of Northern Iowa on April 7 UNI will host the 1995 Celebrating Critical Writing Contest and Conference April 7.
2 Funding Schools David Else discusses school financing.
3 Integrating New Music Geneva Southal reminds people to not only remember black women composers during Women's History Month.
4 Roving Reporters Rekha Basu encourages young women not to give up their hopes.
5 Speaking in Public Without Fear Mary Bozik helps students overcome their fear of public speaking.
6 Summer camps offer variety of experiences for youngsters of all ages Deb Jordan shares ideas about summer camps for children.
7 Telling the Story Zev Kedem shares memories of the holocaust.
8 UNI Sigma Xi to sponsor speaker on cross-disciplinary approaches to general education April 12 Robert Root-Bernstein will speak at UNI April 12.
9 University of Northern Iowa alumnus to receive award for volunteer service Keith Saunders receives volunteer service award from the Board of Regents.
10 University of Northern Iowa Dean assumes Presidency of the Teacher Education Council of State College and Universities Thomas Switzer in now president of TECSCU.
11 University of Northern Iowa former student body president receives award for volunteer service Board of Regents names winner of volunteer service.
12 University of Northern Iowa's Waste Reduction Center publishes pollution prevention manual for printers Manual printed at UNI aids the printer industry comply with ever-changing environmental regulations.