Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Campus prepares for 'special' time; formerly known as Parents Weekend
Schedule of Family Fest activities.
2 Keep your eye on the ball
Student shoots pool in Union; photo.
3 NISG to decide fate of KGRK
Will vote on funding for equipment.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Public Safety log Campus crime report.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Fountain 'changes' for winter; pennies from heaven
Pool near Union drained for winter; no plans for coins salvaged from pool.
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# Article Article Summary
6 What's up Meetings and activties scheduled; meeting with President Koob planned to discuss strategic plan.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Graduate places first in state on CPA exam; UNI ranks third in nation
Sean T. Foster is honored for performance in May 1995 exam.
8 Koob to discuss strategic plan Everyone invited to discuss plan.
9 Women's studies to hold meeting Will sponsor informational meeting about master's degree.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Everyone else is doing the quiz thing so why can't I?
Humorous quiz about UNI current events.
11 Forum on athletic attendance important Believes ban on tailgating may contribute to lack of interest in UNI athletics.
12 Must history repeat itself again?
Hansen--Jack (Student--1946)
Believes country must pay attention to troubles in former Yugoslavia.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Don't bother buying Powerball tickets, I'm going to win
Thoughts on winning the lottery.
14 Future of KGRK in its own hands, not student government's
Recounts recent events relating to KGRK equipment and NISG funding; believes that KGRK should probably support itself better.
15 NISG should not support anything similar to USI
Believes USI no longer served good purpose; students do not need another similar organization.
16 Student government article 'poorly written, one-sided'
Dobie--Mark A. (Class of 1997)
Attempts to give fuller, clearer picture of recent NISG affairs.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Los Straitjackets to get crazy at Stebs Amusement
Will play Wednesday.
18 Solvent; local band to perform in Rainfest '95 Thursday
Band members describe their music.
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19 Cheese bread
Recipe for cheese bread.
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# Article Article Summary
20 UNI students help bring humor to Oster Regent with 'The Foreigner'
Review of play; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Crustaceans as professors of life
Believes there are lessons to be learned from crawfish.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Panthers suffer rare Gateway loss; Berg, Ward unable to play
Kelley--Jerrod L. (Class of 1996)
Illinois State beats UNI, 31-29; photo.
23 Volleyball team clinches MVC title; Kara Galer sets new assist record
Iehl--Jerri (Class of 1998)
UNI beats Creighton; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
24 UNI swim teams happy with results in Western Illinois meet
Iehl--Jerri (Class of 1998)
UNI beats Western Illinois; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Athletic department seeks answers, student response; student attendance down
Kelley--Jerrod L. (Class of 1996)
Schedules open forum to discuss decreased attendance at athletic events; photo.