Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Albert Gilgen The "East-West Questionnaire", developed by Gilgen and Jae Cho, is discussed in "The Handbook of Multicultural Measures and Social Attitudes".
2 Ann Vernon Conducted a two day workshop on effective counseling strategies in Saskatoon, Saskechewan, and will present at the American Counseling Association.
3 Barbara Fast Co-presented "Using Keyboard Technology to Enhance Artistic Listening and Learning" at a conference.
4 Barbara Fast, Jonathan Chenoweth, and Jeremy Beck Presented a performance of Beck's Sonata for Cello and Piano at a College Music Society.
5 Bill DiBrito Organized a panel dealing with "Senior Professionals Forum: Using Data in Decision Making and Policy Development" and "Enacting Changes on Our Campus", and was also asked to serve on a panel.
6 Bob Byrnes Had his piece for carillon included on a new CD, "Carillon -Class of 1892 Bells".
7 Carol Poster Published two articles on early Greek thought and popular female Victorian authors.
8 Christopher Edginton and Carole Hanson Co-authored "The Leadership Assessment Center: Camp Adventure A Case Study" in Hong Kong Recreation Review.
9 Daya Shankar and Cheryl Timion Presented a program on cultural diversity to local chapter of American Association of University Women.
10 Dean Kruckeberg Published two articles about public relations.
11 Dean Kruckeberg Discussed global public relations at a conference.
12 Deborah Zlotsky Featured in a one person exhibition entitled "Pursued by History".
13 Dennis Schmidt Will present a paper "Taxpayer Agreement With Aggressive Tax Advice" at Western Meeting of the American Accounting Association.
14 Don DeGraaf Co-authored "A Comparison of Barriers to Leisure and Sport Activity Participation in the United States Implications for Hong Kong" in the Hong Kong Recreation Review.
15 Elana Joram Co-authored and published two papers about random sampling and learning and knowledge.
16 Elana Joram Presented "Building Meaning For Measurement" and wrote a paper "Building Meaning for Units of Measurement: A 'Personal Anchors' Approach".
17 Frank Barrios, Jennifer Oliver, Augustine Osman, and Shelton Smith Presented research at International Conference of Behavioral Medicine in Washington, D. C.
18 Fred Kolkhorst and Forrest Dolgener Co-authored and published "Perceived Exertion and Blood Lactate Concentration During Graded Treadmill Running" in a journal.
19 James G. McCullagh Published an article about the rights of a child to create a better future.
20 Jennie Wang Presented a paper "The Socratic Scholar and Asian American Soldier in Kingston's 'The Brother in Vietnam"' at a conference.
21 Jeremy Beck Lectured on new American music and his own music in the Czech Republic, and premiered "Memory Embraced" at the Iowa Flute Festival.
22 Jerry Smith Presented a paper "Identifying Quality Problems: Case-Based Prescriptions" at a Quality Conference.
23 Kevin O'Kane Presented a paper "A Medical Record Web Access Script Language".
24 Kevin O'Kane Published "World Wide Web-Based Information Storage and Retrieval".
25 Linda Walsh Served on an Advisory Board for the book" Annual Editions: Biopsychology".
26 Linda Walsh Presented paper about the use of World Wide Web resources at Midwest Institute on the Teaching of Psychology.
27 Lou Honary Named recipient of the Fluid Power Society's 1995 Industrial Distinguished Achievement Award.
28 Mahmoud Pegah "The Assignment Problem: Decision Versus Search" has been accepted for presentation at a conference, along with paper co-written by Weizheng Zhang and Sidney Bos.
29 Maria Carroll Presented "Healing--The Spiritual Journey through Brokenness to Wholeness" at a conference.
30 Mike Yohe Served as program chair for "The Widening Circle" at Computer Services Management Symposium.
31 Mohammed Rawwas Co-authored and published "A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Ethical Values of Consumers: The Potential Effects of War and Civil Disruption" in a journal.
32 Mohammed Rawwas Presented with "Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award".
33 Old Gold makes "Universal Impact" 1995 Old Gold named Pacemaker award finalist by Associated Press and advisor Karen Mills chosen "Outstanding Advisor" by UNI Student Organization Award Judging Committee.
34 Paula Eubanks Accepted as an exhibitor in "Approaching the Millennium, Real Life in the '90s" and also presented two papers: "Movement in Children's Drawings" and "Art as a Language for Data Presentation"
35 Rheta DeVries and Carolyn Hildebrandt Invited to attend the Cornerstones Forum in Berkeley, California.
36 Richard Colburn Awarded Special Recognition at the "Iowa Artists 1996" and his work presented in "Images 96" and "Reframing Tradition".
37 Richard Varn and Rusty Martin Co-authored and published "Unpredictable Opportunities".
38 Teresa Hall Co-presented "Implementing Industrial Quality Practices in Manufacturing Education Departments" at a conference.
39 UNI Jazz Band One Awarded Outstanding Band at Annual Elmhurst Jazz Festival.
40 UNI Public Relations Student Society of America and Pride Received six awards in seven categories at PRSSA Central District convention.
41 William Gary Wolfe Invited to serve as a session moderator for a Career Session on Sales & Sales Management at a conference.
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42 Alumni/faculty/friends to be honored; 40th Annual Heritage Honours

Alumni, friends, and faculty members will be receive Heritage Honours Awards at dinner sponsored by Alumni Association.

43 In memorial Arlene Schwarzenbach will make a presentation of a casket drape in honor of her husband Lyle at Heritage Honours Award dinner April 20.
44 Market Development Program Market Development Program offers a service to the state while giving business students working experience; photo.
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45 A room full of Fulbrights Former Fulbright scholars gathered in the Union last Tuesday to celebrate fiftieth anniversary of the Fulbright Program; photo.
46 Looking ahead Brief schedules of Northern Lights 120th anniversary celebration and Earth Week.
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47 Profile: Ken De Nault Profile of faculty member Kenneth De Nault; photo.
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48 Change in office location Cooperative Education Program (Placement and Career Services) has been moved to Student Services Center 126.