Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Children need structure in learning to cope with loss Dr. Robert Lembke and counseling interns helped children who were going through loss experiences. He developed a workshop aimed at how school counselers and teachers can do to help children get through their losses.
2 Merely idle threats? The United States released a list of Chinese goods targeted for tariffs, causing China to retaliate with a list of its own.
3 Running in circles UNI is building an outdoor track near the Price Laboratory School.
4 Still serving students Three-fourths of all student credit hours are taught by tenured of tenure-track faculty, and faculty spend nearly two-thirds of their time in teaching-related activities.
5 The athletes aren't the only ones getting a workout With the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta comes the responsibilities of setting up media work areas.
6 Wage wrangling An increase in the minimum wage to $5.15 an hour may be imminent in this election year and also give employees the incentive to become more productive and efficient.