Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Aaron Podolefsky Writes essay on mediation; conducts workshop.
2 Alan Czarnetzki Writes article on atmospheric stability.
3 Ann Vernon Writes article and chapter on counseling.
4 Barbara Allen Writes article on library collection development.
5 Carol Poster Makes presentation on Platonic ontology.
6 Carol Poster Appointed to advisory board of Victorian women writers project.
7 Carol Poster and Richard Utz Edit material for publication.
8 Cheryl Timion Attends workshops in New Zealand.
9 Chris Ogbondah and Pita Agbese Publish paper on Nigeria; Professor Ogbondah referees papers.
10 Christopher R. Edgington and Carole J. Hanson Write article on leadership.
11 Dan McDonald Writes article on tourism.
12 Dave Bradney Writes article on skill certification.
13 David Crownfield Writes article on Heidegger.
14 Deb Jordan Writes several articles and textbook.
15 Dennis Schmidt Writes several articles on tax.
16 Don DeGraaf Writes article on staff development.
17 Don DeGraaf and Deb Jordan Publish paper on portfolio system.
18 Donna Thompson Writes article on children's play areas.
19 Fred Behroozi, H. Kent Macomber Co-author article on dew drops.
20 Gary B. Shontz Receives award for financial reporting.
21 Gordon H. Mack Writes article on interviews.
22 Jacqueline Smith Writes article on teaching mathematics.
23 James Becker Edits software review.
24 Jeff Ashby Presents paper and posters at APA convention.
25 Jeffery Byrd Exhibits three pieces.
26 Jeremy Beck World premier of his composition.
27 Jerry Smith Writes article on management.
28 Joy Cornish Elected president of local theater board.
29 Jurgen Koppensteiner Lectures in Russia and Austria.
30 Kent Sandstrom Writes two articles on gay men with AIDS.
31 Kevin O'Kane Co-authors paper on thesauri.
32 Marc Moulton Has artwork installed in Des Moines.
33 Maribelle Betterton Writes articles on students and curriculum.
34 Mark Fienup Writes article on CS-2 course.
35 Mary Bozik Writes article on student perceptions.
36 Mary Bozik and Melissa Beall Present keynote session.
37 Matthias Kaelberer Presents paper on monetary bargaining.
38 Min Lee Writes articles on mathematics.
39 Mohammed Rawwas Co-authors article on ethical beliefs.
40 Mohammed Rawwas Co-authors article on Midwest marketing.
41 Mohammed Rawwas, Gordon Patzer Write article on ethical values.
42 Nancy Hamilton Presents paper on sprinters.
43 Paul Chao Presents paper on marketing.
44 Pola B. Gupta Writes article on consumer perceptions.
45 Rheta DeVries Conducts workshop in Thailand.
46 Rheta DeVries Present addresses at Teacher Practitioner Council.
47 Rheta DeVries and Betty Zan Participate in symposium in Switzerland.
48 Robert Byrnes Plays recitals.
49 Roy R. Behrens Writes articles for Dictionary of Art.
50 Schedule of Martha-Ellen Tye Multicultural Fine Arts Festival Schedule of activities.
51 Sharon Huddleston, Nancy Hamilton, and doctoral students Joseph Mintah and Mick Mack Write article on performance.
52 Sue Behrns Completes outreach project in Idaho.
53 Sue Joslyn Presents paper on breast cancer.
54 Sue Joslyn Named to American Cancer Society team.
55 Syed Kirmani Writes article on statistics.
56 Terri Lynn McDonald Wins award for dissertation.
57 Terry Kottman Presents paper on parent/teacher consultation.
58 Terry Kottman Writes article on play therapy.
59 Tim Lindquist Writes article on accounting.
60 Tim Lindquist Prepares several papers for presentation.
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# Article Article Summary
63 Fall enrollment increases to 12,957 Increase of about 1% over 1995 level.
64 Laying the ground for the 1996-97 Faculty Senate Retreat focuses on ways to help Senate function more efficiently.
65 UNI's National Program for Playground Safety announces National Action Plan Provides blueprint for playground safety.
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# Article Article Summary
66 Profile: Mona Milius Profile of associate director of residence for dining, Mona Milius; photo.
67 Three UNI accounting graduates among Iowa's top six on CPA exam UNI students make up 54% of successful Iowa candidates in May 1995.