Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Developments in Teaching Economics" workshop at University of Northern Iowa attended by area teachers Twenty area teachers attended economics workshop; list of participants included. Speakers were Tim Schilling, and Chris Nelson.
2 Area teachers participate in economics summer workshop at University of Northern Iowa Thirty-eight area teachers participated in economics workshop sponsored by the Center for Economic Education and Department of Economics at UNI; list of guest speakers and participants given.
3 Becoming "The Best of Enemies" Former Ku Klux Klan leader C. P. Ellis and Civil Rights leader Ann Atwater will speak September 16.
4 Employers screening job applicants with pre-employment tests Michael Gasser, UNI assistant professor of pschology, reports that some employment tests gauging honesty or skills are accurate, while others are not.
5 Establishing the lines of communication before the teen years UNI Professor of Counseling Ann Vernon advises that parents should establish open lines of communication before the teenage years.
6 Examining the Issues and challenges of immigration Diversity Week will include a panel discussion "Immigration: Issues and Challenges" on September 18.
7 UNI Explores the many aspects of diversity this week Michael Blackwell, director of the Ethnic Minorities Cultural and Educational Center, reports the events and challenges of Diversity Week at UNI.