Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Awards/honors/service: Bob Lee Bob Lee received the Northeast Iowa District 1A cross country coach of the year award.
2 Awards/honors/service: Dean Kruckeberg Dean Kruckeberg elected academic co-chair of the Commission on Public Relations Education.
3 Awards/honors/service: Mohammed Rawwas and K.N. Rajendran Mohammed Rawwas and K. N. Rajendran received high ratings for their manuscript from ANBAR Electronic Intelligence.
4 Awards/honors/service: Rick Vanderwall and Don Darrow Rick Vanderwall and Don Darrow received funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for their Ernest L. Boyer Web project.
5 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Ann Vernon Ann Vernon conducted two workshops on applications of rational-emotive behavior therapy with children and adolescents.
6 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Anthony Gabriele Anthony Gabriele presented paper at the Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation Association annual conference.
7 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Archana Daya Shankar Archana Daya Shankar presented three papers at the National Communication Conference.
8 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Bob Lee Bob Lee presented "Track-by-Yourself."
9 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Chris Ogbondah Chris Ogbondah had a paper accepted for presentation at the conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines.
10 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Dean Kruckeberg Dean Kruckeberg presented three papers at the national convention of the National Communication Association and one at Public Relations Society of America.
11 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Jeffery Byrd Jeffery Byrd presented an art piece at New York City's Greenwich House.
12 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Kathleen Kerr Kathleen Kerr presented workshops in international dance and lecture on folklore and dance of the Balkans.
13 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Leigh Zeitz Leigh Zeitz presented a session on "Developing Critical and Creative Thinking through Technology," and presented three sessions in Malaysia.
14 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Linda Quinn, Merrie Schroeder and Judy Beckman Linda Quinn, Merrie Schroeder, and Judy Beckman co-presented the paper "Achieving Excellence in Professional Development Partnerships."
15 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Michael Fanelli, and Fred Rees Michael Fanelli and Fred Rees presented paper at the Iowa Music Educators Conference.
16 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Michele Yehieli and Susan Koch Michele Yehieli and Susan Koch co-authored three papers presented at the European Conference of the International Union of Health Promotion and Education.
17 Recently/soon to be published: Albert Gilgen Albert Gilgen co-authored and published the book "Soviet and American Psychology during World War II."
18 Recently/soon to be published: Ann Marie Basom Ann Marie Basom published article on "Anna Karenina".
19 Recently/soon to be published: Catherine Farris Catherine Farris had article accepted for publication in "Journal of Pragmatics."
20 Recently/soon to be published: Chris Ogbondah Chris Ogbondah authored "Communication and Democratization in Africa."
21 Recently/soon to be published: Ernest Raiklin Ernest Raiklin will have two articles published in the International Journal of Social Economics, and two books published in Russia.
22 Recently/soon to be published: Jay Lees Jay Lees authored "Anselm of Havelberg: Deeds into Words in the Twelfth Century."
23 Recently/soon to be published: Jean Kimball Jean Kimball published essay entitled "Eros and Logos in Ulysses: a Jungarian Pattern."
24 Recently/soon to be published: Jennie Wang Jennie Wang published "An interview with Shirley Geoklin Lim" and "Novelistic Love in the Platonic Tradition: Fielding, Faulkner, and the Postmodernist."
25 Recently/soon to be published: Katherine Van Wormer and Mary Boes Katherine Van Wormer and Mary Boes published "Social Work with Homeless Women in Emergency Rooms: A Strengths-Feminist Approach."
26 Recently/soon to be published: Kevin O'Kane Kevin O'Kane co-authored "A Case Study of a MUMPS Internet patient Record."
27 Recently/soon to be published: Nasir Omar Nasir Omar published a book review of "Information Systems Outsourcing Decision Making: A Managerial Approach."
28 Recently/soon to be published: Robert Ward Robert Ward published a poem in "Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence".
29 Recently/soon to be published: Roxanne Conrad Roxanne Conrad authored "Process Innovation: A Practical Approach".
30 Recently/soon to be published: Roy Behrens Roy Behrens authored articles in the November/December issues of "Print" magazine.
31 Recently/soon to be published: Roy Behrens Roy Behrens wrote an article on UNI alumnus Gary Kelley.
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# Article Article Summary
32 UNI residence halls "wired" ResNet system now connects each dorm room directly to the campus network and Internet; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
33 25 years! Robert Byrnes has played UNI's carillon for twenty-five years; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
34 PAC construction update Construction remains on schedule for PAC; progress updates available via Web site.
35 Profile: Marquis Profile of the executive director of Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center Bruce Marquis; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
36 McGuire named acting head of Communication Studies Richard McGuire named Acting Head of Department of Communication Studies; photo.
37 Professional Development Leaves List of faculty who received Professional Development leaves for summer, fall, and spring 1998-99.