Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Current Research on Women Forum (CROW) series meets Monday, Nov. 2 Barbara Lounsberry to discuss gender studies as part of CROW Forum.
2 Gauging the impact of the Clinton scandal on the election Chris Hadjiharalambous will discuss the impact of the Clinton scandal on voter turnout.
3 Guest Organist from Britain, Colin Andrews, in concert on Tuesday, Nov. 3 British organist will perform November 3 as part of the UNI Organ Series and present a workshop on poetry November 2.
4 International authority on leadership and personal responsibility Michael Durst, will speak at the University of Northern Iowa Nov. 19 Michael Durst to speak on "Management by Responsibility and the Ladder to Responsibility".
5 Iowa energy summit teaches high school students about energy issues High school students visited UNI to discuss environmental issues in conjunction with the CEEE and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
6 Iowa's new immigrant work force topic for University of Northern Iowa history lecture Wednesday, Nov. 11 Mark Grey to speak on immigrant workforce for Phi Alpha Theta and Department of History Lecture Series.
7 Technology is changing our interpersonal communications E-mail and other new forms of communication are changing the way humans interact with one another.
8 UNI probes for answers to diversity and race issues UNI Diversity Initiative: A Study Circle on Race, has begun meeting on campus to discuss race issues.
9 Women seeking equal rights on today's ballot The vote on November 3 will be to add the words " . . . and women . . . " to the Iowa constitution.