Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Allison Stringer Allison Stringer published an article on experiential education.
2 Angelita Floyd Angelita Floyd was a guest artist, presented, and directed at Middle Tennessee State University Flute Festival.
3 Ann Vernon Ann Vernon will be awarded the 2000 Professional Leadership Award.
4 Ann Vernon Ann Vernon presented a workshop on REBT with adolescents.
5 Carey Kirk and Allan Rappaport Carey Kirk and Allan Rappaport presented a paper on the American legal system.
6 Celia Renner Celia Renner will present a paper on educating future accountants in Puerto Vallarta.
7 Celia Renner and Janet Rives Celia Renner and Janet Rives presented a paper in San Diego on pay variations and gender.
8 Charline Barnes Charline Barnes co-authored a book on Iowa's black history.
9 Charline Barnes Charline Barnes was appointed chair of the International Reading Association Teacher as Researcher Committee and also served on planning committee for the 5th Annual African-American Women's Conference.
10 Charline Barnes Charline Barnes presented paper on the subject of language arts classrooms at the Iowa Reading Association Conference.
11 Chris W. Ogbondah Chris W. Ogbondah had an article on the Nigerian press accepted for publication.
12 Christine Macfarlane and Patricia Sitlington Christine MacFarlane and Patricia Sitlington are serving as mediators for the Iowa Department of Education.
13 Cynthia Herndon and Kathleen Kerr Cynthia Herndon, Kathleen Kerr, and Ranae Keane presented lectures and master classes in dance.
14 Dan McDonald and Terri McDonald Dan McDonald and Terri McDonald published an article on festival and event management.
15 Dave Hakes Dave Hakes has been named a recipient of the Regents Faculty Excellence Award.
16 Dean Kruckeberg Dean Kruckeberg was a senior judge for a competition in public relations and was the correspondent for papers at conference in Miami.
17 Department of Communication Studies Faculty from the Department of Communication Studies received several awards.
18 Dick Followill Professor Richard Followill will present a paper on points and contract rates in Puerta Vallarta.
19 Donna Thompson Donna Thompson published an article on school playgrounds.
20 Donna Thompson and Susan D. Hudson Donna Thompson and Susan D. Hudson authored a chapter and an article on playgrounds.
21 Donna Thompson, Susan D. Hudson, and Mick Mack Donna Thompson, Susan D. Hudson, and Mick Mack published articles on playgrounds.
22 Gloria Kirkland Holmes

Gloria Kirkland Holmes and Kathryn Guzman presented paper at the 5th Annual Iowa African-American Women's Conference in Waterloo.

23 Jill Uhlenberg Jill Uhlenberg will take office as president-elect of the National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers.
24 Kathleen Kerr Kathleen Kerr directed a performance of traditional Bosnian dance at the University of Wisconsin.
25 Kenneth Atkinson Kenneth Atkinson presented a paper on the Dead Sea in Kansas City.
26 Leslie Wilson, Roberta M. Roth, Dale Cyphert, and Rex A. Karsten Leslie Wilson presented a paper on management written with Roberta M. Roth, Dale Cyphert, and Rex A. Karsten.
27 Linda Walsh Linda Walsh presented paper on library and psychology resources.
28 Matthew Kollasch Matthew Kollasch presented paper on Slovakia in Cedar Rapids.
29 Michelle L. Swanson and Barbara A. Heitzman Michelle Swanson and Barbara A. Heitzman did a presentation on expressive arts in Boca Raton, Florida.
30 Mike Klassen Mike Klassen will publish an article.
31 Mike Klassen and Mohammed Rawwas Mike Klassen presented a paper on promoting higher education. Also Mike Klassen and Mohammed Rawwas presented a paper on auto advertisements.
32 Mohammad Z. Iqbal Mohammad Z. Iqbal, with Keri B. Drenner, Kelly M. Knight, and Craig A. Welsh, will present their research in Indianapolis.
33 Patricia L. Sitlington Patricia L. Sitlington published a textbook on education of adolescents with disabilities.
34 Roy R. Behrens Roy R. Behrens published an essay on graphic design.
35 Roy R. Behrens Roy R. Behrens has been invited to teach a course in Milwaukee.
36 Steve Corbin Steve Corbin presented a paper on critical thinking and creative thinking.
37 Steve Thorpe Steve Thorpe had two papers accepted for publication on environmental policies.
38 Steve Thorpe Steve Thorpe chaired a session during the Southern Economic Association Meetings in New Orleans.
39 Steven Corbin Steve Corbin was selected to serve on the Marketing Management Association Board of Directors.
40 Sue Joslyn Sue Joslyn's findings on breast cancer and African-American women were published.
41 William W. Clohesy William W. Clohesy presented a paper on altruism and Kant at the Ninth International Kang Congress in Berlin.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Panthers take a road trip to Mason City; there is a lot of UNI in Mason City University faculty and staff traveled to Mason City for a Community Visit Day
43 President Koob dishes it up at the senior breakfast President Koob helps serve breakfast to seniors.
44 UNI alumnus gives $1 million gift David Wilson, UNI alumnus, gives $1 million gift to fund joint endowed chair in business ethics.
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# Article Article Summary
45 April ITS-ET training workshops Schedule of free computer workshops from ITS-ET.
46 Commencement schedule Schedule of when the commencements will be on May 6.
47 Earth Week Celebrations Schedule of events planned for Earth Week.
48 Free calendar accounts UNI faculty and staff may request an Electronic Calendar account from ITS.
49 Library notice Applications are being accepted for studies in Rod Library during the summer.
50 P & S Excellence Award nominations Nominations are being accepted for the 2000 Regents Staff Excellence Awards for Professional and Scientific employees.
51 Rod Library special hours Schedule of hours for Rod Library on April 23.
52 Volunteers are needed for the Move-In Crew Applications are being accepted for the 2000 Move-In Crew.
53 WRC receives Outstanding Sport Facility award UNI Wellness/Recreation Center received the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association Outstanding Sports Facility award.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Profile: Al Stamberg Profile of Placement and Career Services co-op education director Al Stamberg; photo.