Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Oil prices fall as output increases
Hardin--Brent (Class of 2001)
Gasoline prices were at their all time high because of decreased national supply and compliance with emissions regulations; photo.
2 UNI begins largest fund campaign in 124 years
Taylor--Megan E. (Class of 1999)
A fundraising campaign entitled "Students First" hopes to raise $75 million for scholarships, academic programs, and facilities.
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# Article Article Summary
3 UNI Museums take caving tour of Iowa An all-day bus tour of several of Northeast Iowa's caves and geological formations is being sponsored by the UNI Museum.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Shelton's autopsy inconclusive
Michael Shelton's autopsy states he died from drowning and the manner of his death was accidental; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 "Dr. Laura" should drop "Dr." from name Believes since Dr. Laura Schlesinger's doctorate is in physiology and not psychology, she should not be using the "Dr." in her name on radio show.
6 Conversation can take place in workplace without Internet
Griffin--Michael Lloyd (Student--2000)
Offers suggested topics of conversation for times when computers go down.
7 Picking berries provides glimpse of lessons in life
Hennings--Kathleen L.
Watching her children encounter thorns while picking berries leads columnist to ponder how people deal with the thorns they find in their lives.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Art piece garners unfavorable review from local citizen Ashley Atherton feels the money spent on the new art piece in front of the Wellness/Recreation Center could have been spent better elsewhere.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Arts Festival brings College Hill midsummer culture
This year's College Hill Arts Festival offers events for all ages including the Student Only Gallery for children; photo.
10 McGregor goes in search of the appeal of Scary Movie
Review of the movie "Scary Movie"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Diversions
A schedule of activities around Waterloo-Cedar Falls..
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# Article Article Summary
12 Elliot Smith makes nice addition to anyone's collection Review of the CD "figure 8."