Issue Contents
# | Article | Article Summary |
1 | Allen Rappaport | Allen Rappaport presented a paper. |
2 | Camp Adventure | Camp Adventure was featured as part of an award-winning youth service program at a U. S. Air Force base. |
3 | Dale Cyphert | Dale Cyphert will present a paper to the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division. |
4 | Dale Cyphert | Dale Cyphert had an article accepted for publication. |
5 | Dean Kruckeberg | Dean Kruckeberg presented a program at the International Public Relations Seminar. |
6 | Donna Thompson, Susan Hudson, and Mick Mack | Donna Thompson, Susan Hudson, and Mick Mack published a chapter for a book. |
7 | Dr. Barbara O'Donnell | Barbara O'Donnell published an article. |
8 | Dr. Barbara Safford | Barbara Safford is serving on a library task force. |
9 | Dr. Barbara Safford | Barbara Safford presented an ICN workshop. |
10 | Dr. Barbara Safford | Barbara Safford will be writing a reference column for a library magazine. |
11 | Dr. Charline Barnes | Charline Barnes is a member of the Freeburg Early Childhood Advisory Clinic. |
12 | Dr. Charline Barnes and Deborah Tidwell | Charline Barnes and Deborah Tidwell will present at the National Reading Conference. |
13 | Dr. Gloria Holmes | Gloria Holmes completed education service for the Waterloo district. |
14 | Dr. Gloria Holmes | Gloria Holmes published a book entitled "Read Rap". |
15 | Dr. John Smith | John Smith was selected as a visiting professor in Manchester England. |
16 | Dr. Judy Finkelstein and Dr. Rheta DeVries | Judy Finkelstein and Rheta DeVries attended a conference on national playground safety. |
17 | Dr. Leigh Zeitz | Leigh Zeitz will present at several Iowa conferences. |
18 | Dr. Leigh Zeitz | Leigh Zeitz had an abstract accepted by ICTVE. |
19 | Dr. Linda Fitzgerald | Linda Fitzgerald published a book chapter. |
20 | Dr. Linda Fitzgerald | Linda Fitzgerald presented a paper at an international conference. |
21 | Dr. Loretta Kuse | Loretta Kuse will exhibit photographs. |
22 | Dr. Mary Herring | Mary Herring was elected as president of council for systemic change. |
23 | Dr. Mary Herring and Sharon Smaldino | Mary Herring and Sharon Smaldino will make a presentation at a workshop in Denver. |
24 | Dr. Terri McDonald | Terri McDonald was invited to be part of an international summit for peace. |
25 | Gerald Peterson | Gerald Peterson published a pictorial history of UNI. |
26 | Golden Key | Penny O'Connor, Constance Hansen, Catherine Miller, and Aaron Podolefsky were inducted as honorary members of Golden Key. |
27 | Jason Follett | Jason Follett accepted an appointment to a council on social studies. |
28 | Jeffery Byrd | Jeffery Byrd will exhibit works as part of the Iowa Artists 2000 show. |
29 | Jim O'Loughlin | Jim O'Loughlin wrote an article for a literary journal. |
30 | Joyce Spande | Joyce Spande received the Fullbright Memorial Teacher Award. |
31 | Linda McCartney | Linda McCartney chaired the recent SPLASH event. |
32 | Lyle Bowlin | Lyle Bowlin will present at the Financial Management Association. |
33 | Martin Agran | Martin Agran was selected to edit for the American Association for Mental Retardation research. |
34 | Michelle Swanson | Michelle Swanson will represent UNI at the DISCUS Conference. |
35 | Mike Klassen | Mike Klassen had two articles accepted for publication. |
36 | Mike Klassen | Mike Klassen presented research in Portugal. |
37 | Mir Zaman | Mir Zaman authored an article. |
38 | Mohammed Rawwas | Mohammed Rawwas had a manuscript accepted for publication. |
39 | Mohammed Rawwas | Mohammed Rawwas was awarded a certificate of merit. |
40 | Mohammed Rawwas, Hans Isakson | Mohammed Rawwas and Hans Isakson had a joint manuscript accepted for publication. |
41 | Patricia Sitlington | Patricia Sitlington co-authored an article on disabled students. |
42 | Phillip Mauceri | Phillip Mauceri received a grant. |
43 | Pola B. Gupta, Mike Klassen | Pola Gupta and Mike Klassen co-authored an article that has been accepted for publication. |
44 | Randy Hayes | Randy Hayes gave a presentation. |
45 | Rebecca Edmiaston | Rebecca Edmiaston published an article on individualized education for young children. |
46 | Rebecca Edmiaston and Linda Fitzgerald | Rebecca Edmiaston and Linda Fitzgerald published an article. |
47 | Richard Utz | Richard Utz became editor of a Northwestern University Press publication. |
48 | Robert Byrnes | Robert Byrnes had a musical composition chosen to be part of an exam. |
49 | Robert Washut | Robert Washut was guest artist at Southern Nevada's community college. |
50 | Roy Behrens | Roy Behrens has been appointed art director of the North American Review. |
51 | Roy Behrens | Roy Behrens published articles for various artistic magazines. |
52 | Sandra Alper | Sandra Alper co-authored an article on disabled students. |
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53 | Carver gift will purchase much-needed science equipment | UNI received a $1 million gift from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust that has been set aside for the purchase of new scientific equipment. |
54 | New UNI Web site part of integrated marketing push | UNI's main Web site received a redesign. The new site was developed as part of an integrated marketing push. |
55 | Women's Studies grant will help combat violence against women | UNI's Women's Studies received a $50,000 grant from the U. S. Department of Justice to help reduce violence against women on campus. |
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56 | "Legacy of Community Caring" is UNIted Way 2001 theme | The UNIted Way 2001 campaign has begun its fundraising for this year. |
57 | Hanson named Sahai professor | Curtiss Hanson has been named Prem Sahai Distinguished Professor in the College of Natural Sciences for the 2000-2001 academic year. This professorship provides financial support for research. |
58 | HRS offers administrative workshops | Human Resource Services will offer workshops on the administrative process during the month of November. |
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59 | Employee development | The Management and Professional Development Center will present workshops. |
60 | International coffee hour scheduled | International Coffee Hour will take place every other Friday during the fall semester. |
61 | New funding resource available | UNI Foundation has a new Web site. |
62 | Online learning and teaching help | ITS is offering educational workshops. |
63 | Profile: Jim Maltas | Profile of Jim Maltas, a math teacher at Price Lab School ; photo. |
64 | Volunteer to be a mentor | Black Hawk Elementary Schools are looking for individuals to become mentors. |