Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Allen Rappaport Allen Rappaport presented a paper.
2 Camp Adventure Camp Adventure was featured as part of an award-winning youth service program at a U. S. Air Force base.
3 Dale Cyphert Dale Cyphert will present a paper to the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division.
4 Dale Cyphert Dale Cyphert had an article accepted for publication.
5 Dean Kruckeberg Dean Kruckeberg presented a program at the International Public Relations Seminar.
6 Donna Thompson, Susan Hudson, and Mick Mack Donna Thompson, Susan Hudson, and Mick Mack published a chapter for a book.
7 Dr. Barbara O'Donnell Barbara O'Donnell published an article.
8 Dr. Barbara Safford Barbara Safford is serving on a library task force.
9 Dr. Barbara Safford Barbara Safford presented an ICN workshop.
10 Dr. Barbara Safford Barbara Safford will be writing a reference column for a library magazine.
11 Dr. Charline Barnes Charline Barnes is a member of the Freeburg Early Childhood Advisory Clinic.
12 Dr. Charline Barnes and Deborah Tidwell Charline Barnes and Deborah Tidwell will present at the National Reading Conference.
13 Dr. Gloria Holmes Gloria Holmes completed education service for the Waterloo district.
14 Dr. Gloria Holmes Gloria Holmes published a book entitled "Read Rap".
15 Dr. John Smith John Smith was selected as a visiting professor in Manchester England.
16 Dr. Judy Finkelstein and Dr. Rheta DeVries Judy Finkelstein and Rheta DeVries attended a conference on national playground safety.
17 Dr. Leigh Zeitz Leigh Zeitz will present at several Iowa conferences.
18 Dr. Leigh Zeitz Leigh Zeitz had an abstract accepted by ICTVE.
19 Dr. Linda Fitzgerald Linda Fitzgerald published a book chapter.
20 Dr. Linda Fitzgerald Linda Fitzgerald presented a paper at an international conference.
21 Dr. Loretta Kuse Loretta Kuse will exhibit photographs.
22 Dr. Mary Herring Mary Herring was elected as president of council for systemic change.
23 Dr. Mary Herring and Sharon Smaldino Mary Herring and Sharon Smaldino will make a presentation at a workshop in Denver.
24 Dr. Terri McDonald Terri McDonald was invited to be part of an international summit for peace.
25 Gerald Peterson Gerald Peterson published a pictorial history of UNI.
26 Golden Key Penny O'Connor, Constance Hansen, Catherine Miller, and Aaron Podolefsky were inducted as honorary members of Golden Key.
27 Jason Follett Jason Follett accepted an appointment to a council on social studies.
28 Jeffery Byrd Jeffery Byrd will exhibit works as part of the Iowa Artists 2000 show.
29 Jim O'Loughlin Jim O'Loughlin wrote an article for a literary journal.
30 Joyce Spande Joyce Spande received the Fullbright Memorial Teacher Award.
31 Linda McCartney Linda McCartney chaired the recent SPLASH event.
32 Lyle Bowlin Lyle Bowlin will present at the Financial Management Association.
33 Martin Agran Martin Agran was selected to edit for the American Association for Mental Retardation research.
34 Michelle Swanson Michelle Swanson will represent UNI at the DISCUS Conference.
35 Mike Klassen Mike Klassen had two articles accepted for publication.
36 Mike Klassen Mike Klassen presented research in Portugal.
37 Mir Zaman Mir Zaman authored an article.
38 Mohammed Rawwas Mohammed Rawwas had a manuscript accepted for publication.
39 Mohammed Rawwas Mohammed Rawwas was awarded a certificate of merit.
40 Mohammed Rawwas, Hans Isakson Mohammed Rawwas and Hans Isakson had a joint manuscript accepted for publication.
41 Patricia Sitlington Patricia Sitlington co-authored an article on disabled students.
42 Phillip Mauceri Phillip Mauceri received a grant.
43 Pola B. Gupta, Mike Klassen Pola Gupta and Mike Klassen co-authored an article that has been accepted for publication.
44 Randy Hayes Randy Hayes gave a presentation.
45 Rebecca Edmiaston Rebecca Edmiaston published an article on individualized education for young children.
46 Rebecca Edmiaston and Linda Fitzgerald Rebecca Edmiaston and Linda Fitzgerald published an article.
47 Richard Utz Richard Utz became editor of a Northwestern University Press publication.
48 Robert Byrnes Robert Byrnes had a musical composition chosen to be part of an exam.
49 Robert Washut Robert Washut was guest artist at Southern Nevada's community college.
50 Roy Behrens Roy Behrens has been appointed art director of the North American Review.
51 Roy Behrens Roy Behrens published articles for various artistic magazines.
52 Sandra Alper Sandra Alper co-authored an article on disabled students.
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# Article Article Summary
53 Carver gift will purchase much-needed science equipment UNI received a $1 million gift from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust that has been set aside for the purchase of new scientific equipment.
54 New UNI Web site part of integrated marketing push UNI's main Web site received a redesign. The new site was developed as part of an integrated marketing push.
55 Women's Studies grant will help combat violence against women UNI's Women's Studies received a $50,000 grant from the U. S. Department of Justice to help reduce violence against women on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
56 "Legacy of Community Caring" is UNIted Way 2001 theme The UNIted Way 2001 campaign has begun its fundraising for this year.
57 Hanson named Sahai professor Curtiss Hanson has been named Prem Sahai Distinguished Professor in the College of Natural Sciences for the 2000-2001 academic year. This professorship provides financial support for research.
58 HRS offers administrative workshops Human Resource Services will offer workshops on the administrative process during the month of November.
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# Article Article Summary
59 Employee development The Management and Professional Development Center will present workshops.
60 International coffee hour scheduled International Coffee Hour will take place every other Friday during the fall semester.
61 New funding resource available UNI Foundation has a new Web site.
62 Online learning and teaching help ITS is offering educational workshops.
63 Profile: Jim Maltas Profile of Jim Maltas, a math teacher at Price Lab School ; photo.
64 Volunteer to be a mentor Black Hawk Elementary Schools are looking for individuals to become mentors.