Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Rock the Vote' at the UNI-Dome
Krastel--Laura (class of 2002)
Leisure service students are conducting a survey to find out what kind of entertainment UNI students want to see in the Dome; photo.
2 INS seeks international student information
Beck--Joshua R. (Class of 2002)
Immigration and Naturalization Services wants information about students' country of citizenship, date of commencement of study, and degree program, but that request is currently on hold.
3 Job market crashes and burns
Walk--Christian P. (Student--1998-2002)
Susan Schwieger, associate director of the Career Center, encourages students not to worry about finding a job after graduation.
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4 Speech team places 4th at tournament
Scudder--Jeffrey (Class of 2003)
Nikki Vap and Amy Larsen place first and second, respectively, in their individual events.
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5 Morbid masquerades move over
Hammitt-- Katie Ruth (Class of 2005)
Stores selling Halloween costumes are finding that violent costumes have become less popular since the September 11 attacks.
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6 FCC deregulations stifling flow of info
Rogers--Brian (Student--2001)
Protests the decision by the Federal Communications Commission to ask for the lifting of the ban on ownership of both a television station and a newspaper by one individual or company.
7 Importance of local businesses noted
Koppes--Kevin (Student--2002)
Provides reasons why students should support small, locally owned businesses.
8 Note from the editors Emphasizes that things written in columns and letters to the editor are the opinion of the author and not the "Northern Iowan" staff.
9 Serendipity Safari
Rogness--Jared C. (Class of 2003)
Provides a suggestion for ending the U. S. attacks on Osama bin Laden.
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10 Alumnus responds to letter on behalf of Public Safety
Christensen--Jeremy F. (Class of 2000)
Provides evidence supporting the Department of Public Safety's request to arm officers with taser guns.
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11 Protestors of Albright's address should have more respect
Evans--Emily (Student--2001)
Encourages students to respect national leaders, even if they do not agree with their beliefs and policies.
12 Student Alumni Ambassadors provides plethora of opportunities
Kerndt--Adam (Student--2001)
Encourages students to consider joining the Student Alumni Ambassadors.
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13 Halloween's history influences plans for 'night of fright'
Schroeder--Tim (Student--2001)
Halloween traditions come from old European religious practices.
14 Move over, Casper: UNI ghosts no fairytale for many students
Heffernan--Kimberly A. (Classes of 2003 and 2008)
Students tell stories about their experiences with UNI's ghosts, Zelda and Augie; photo.
15 Student voices Students answer the question "Do you believe in ghosts?"; photo.
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16 'Only Time' determines Enya's rise in music industry
Oswald--Nick (Student--2001)
Review of the album "A Day Without Rain" by Enya; photo.
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17 Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity puts talent and time to good service
Bartness--Brooke (Student--2001)
Members of Sigma Phi Epsilon work to raise money for the Cedar Valley Friends of the Family organization; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Haunting Halloween tales provide variety of spooks and chills for college students
Barrett--Teresa (Student--2001)
Review of the book "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; photo.
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19 Bobbi's bunch bounces back
Nurre--Robin (Class of 2004)
Panthers defeat Southwest Missouri State and Wichita State; photo.
20 Panther men claim Valley cross country team title
Freeman--Michael S. (Class of 2002)
Panther women get seventh place in the Missouri Valley Conference Championships; photo.
21 UNI dealt first Gateway loss
Kuker--Kevin Patrick (Class of 2003)
Panthers lose to Illinois State; photo.
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22 UNI soccer splits to close season
Hale--Kristen S. (Class of 2002)
Panthers defeat Wisconsin-Green Bay but lose to Nebraska-Omaha; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Csillag wins MVC championship, leads UNI to team title
Braley--Eric C. (Classes of 2003 and 2008; Communication Studies Faculty)
Profile of runner Balasz Csillag; photo.