Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Graduates consider corporate corruption
Szeszycki--Emily (Student--2001)
Faculty members give advice to students who are graduating and taking positions with larger corporations.
2 Untitled Safety check point statistics conducted by the Cedar Falls Police Department are given.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Public Safety log Campus crime report.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Fan's perspective on America's pastime
Blodgett--Clifford L. (Student--2002)
Believes the integrity of baseball has diminished over the years.
5 Farmers growing apathy Encourages Iowans to become more aware of the current economic situation of farmers.
6 Irony behind new sense of patriotism
Feels the 4th of July holiday doesn't hold as much meaning to most Americans as it once did.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Department of Athletics still in state of shock after sports reinstatements
Szeszycki--Emily (Student--2001)
Approximately $150,000 needs to be found within the university's budget to cover the costs of the reinstated women's swimming and tennis programs.
8 Despite any rumors, George Wyth Park has lots of fun to offer friends and family
Hansel--Elysia (Student--2002)
Although tests taken of the George Wyth Park lake showed a high number of safe bacteria last week, the lake and park continue to provide all types of recreational activities.
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# Article Article Summary
9 "Left Behind" series leaves readers wanting more
Wise--Justin Macalla (Student--2001-2002)
A review of the books in the "Left Behind" series.