Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Board passes tuition increase; lack of acceptable alternatives made for little doubt in proposal's passage
Koppes--Kevin (Student--2002)
By a vote of 7-2, the Iowa Board of Regents voted to increase tuition by 17.6 percent for next year; photo.
2 Committee 'reads' into book prices
Pierce--Leslie D. (Student--2002)
A Book Prices Advisory Committee will investigate ways to make books cheaper for students.
3 Project gives credit to eco-minded educators
Brown--Evelyn (Student--2001)
UNI's Environmental Issues Instruction program will host the "Forests in a Changing Climate" conference.
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4 On your campus Meetings and activities planned.
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5 Public Safety Log Campus crime report.
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6 In appreciation of college quirks
Buelow--Katie J. (Student--2002)
Compliments the Panther volleyball team, and discusses the uniqueness of college life.
7 Overcoming overrating Supports the Panther football team after a tough and disappointing season.
8 Rash of insanity spreading on UNI campus
Comments on engagement while in college.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Reader comes to defense of previous letter to editor
Sanders--Charles J. (Student--2002)
Criticizes statements made by Dale Hight, concerning a letter to the editor written by Colice Williams.
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# Article Article Summary
10 In defense of gun owners
Biehl--Tyler A. (Student--2002)
Disagrees with statements made by columnist Jeremy Whitaker concerning gun control.
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# Article Article Summary
11 ISU students concerned with CF keg ordinance ISU seniors Hilary Sweet, Kelly Sailer and Jessica Taylor criticize the recent keg ordinance in Cedar Falls.
12 Student saddened by lack of UNI fans
Conkity--Clint (Class of 2005)
Encourages students to show support for their hard-working football team.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Alcohol issues affect campuses
Weiskircher--Heidi B. (Classes of 2005 and 2006)
With half of the college population underage, students drinking as minors becomes a problem.
14 Drinking classes help students make responsible decisions
Hammitt-- Katie Ruth (Class of 2005)
Classes like Drink Wise, and On Campus Talking About Alcohol teach students how to be responsible when drinking; photo.
15 Students driven to feed the hungry
Hammitt-- Katie Ruth (Class of 2005)
College of Business Administration President's Council will collect food items to donate to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.
16 Thursdaze to feature performance by 'The Nadas'
Andresen--Kelli (Class of 2004)
"The Nadas" will perform in the Union Coffeehouse as a part of the Thursdaze program; photo.
17 Union workers go to shelter bearing gifts
Johnson--Julie (Student--2000)
Teddy Bear Drive will collect bears to give to the local Battered Women's Shelter.
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18 "Student Body Shots" shot down by NI reviewer Review of "Student Body Shots," written by Steve Hofstetter; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Christina Aguilera bears it all on "Stripped"
Oswald--Nick (Student--2001)
Review of pop artist Christina Aguilera's new album, "Stripped"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
20 AD sticking around for another four years
Szeszycki--Emily (Student--2001)
UNI Athletic Director Rick Hartzell's contract was extended last Friday; photo.
21 Finally! Panthers beat Bears 25-24 in final game of disappointing season
Ernzen--Kevin M. (Student--2002)
UNI defeated Southwest Missouri State; photo.
22 Kester, Weber have left the gym
Panthers will face the winner of the Wichita State-Bradley match on Saturday night; photo.
23 Man of the hour
Weiskircher--Heidi B. (Classes of 2005 and 2006)
Profile of graduate student kicker, Mackenzie Hoambrecker; photo.
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24 Shooters improve to 53 percent Thursday
Heston--Neal F. (Class of 2006)
UNI defeated the Howard Pulley team, 90-76; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Shaw and Graham lead XC in season closer
Glasnapp--Brandie L. (Student--2002)
UNI women took 57th place out of 162 competitors, and Panther men placed 17th out of 24 teams in the Midwest Regional championships; photo.