Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Admissions standards: where does UNI stand?
Andresen--Kelli (Class of 2004)
Dan Schofield claims that all students at UNI are subject to the same enrollment requirements, with limited exceptions.
2 Boone speaks at UNI Herman Boone, the football coach who inspired the movie "Remember the Titans", will speak on campus; photo.
3 Democratic Presidential candidate to speak at UNI
Governor of Vermont Howard Dean will speak on campus about his platform for his Presidential campaign; photo.
4 State appropriates $3.5 million for UNI, passes amendment
Weiskircher--Heidi B. (Classes of 2005 and 2006)
Iowa General Assembly passed amendment that would keep budget appropriations constant and would not require additional budget cuts for UNI next year.
5 Untitled
Andrews--Eric A. (Student--2002)
Josh Whalen plays during men's rugby game against the University of Minnesota Duluth; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
6 On your campus Meetings and activities planned; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club will meet.
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# Article Article Summary
7 What's up Meetings and activities planned.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Arnett's trash got him canned Believe journalists need to maintain their objectivity when reporting the news.
9 Outlining flaws of moral relativism
Buelow--Katie J. (Student--2002)
Claims that with her Christian values she cannot display moral relativism because it goes against the basis of her religion.
10 Success of war doesn't depend on victory
Humphrey--Benjamin (Student--2003)
Compares the differences in news coverage in the Middle East and in America.
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# Article Article Summary
11 An open letter to Christ: help Bush
Criticizes George W. Bush's references to God and the war as being a crusade.
12 Chalk talk troubles
Henry--Georgia A. (Library Staff)
Asks that those writing on sidewalks, not write in places where people sit.
13 Dems holding up nation's courts Chad Thompson explains issue of Miguel Estrada's consideration for U. S. Supreme Court judge and claims President Bush's nominee is not being given a fair trial.
14 Prof points to real issues in Iraqi war
Enshayan--Kamyar (Director Center for Energy and Environmental Education)
Criticizes the reasons behind the war in Iraq.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Do 'Run Run' this Saturday
Weiskircher--Heidi B. (Classes of 2005 and 2006)
Five kilometer run/walk will serve as a fundraiser for the Public Relations Student Society on campus.
16 Fashion finds home on UNI runway
Takatsuka--Kai (Student--2003)
UNI Textiles and Apparel program will present style show entitled, "Catwalk XI"; photo.
17 Shantytown addresses homelessness and hunger issues
Rossman--Nicholas (Student--2003)
UNI students will construct a shantytown out of cardboard in the Commons courtyard on the evening of April 11 to educate about poverty issues.
18 Student voices Students respond to the question: What were your thoughts when you woke up to snow after temps had hit over 80 last week?; photo.
19 Students voice beliefs with Grinstead's lead
Yesis--Charity A. (Student--2003)
Profile of Professor John Grinstead, and a summary of his efforts to constrain war; photo.
20 Young and old alike relive prom night at Campbell Hall
Zimmer--Erin M. (Student--2003)
Campbell Hall residents will host third annual Senior Prom for senior citizens in the community.
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# Article Article Summary
21 'Sick Puppy' in need of medical assistance
Review of "Sick Puppy," written by Carl Hiaasen; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Jason Mraz's 'watered down' debut shows promise
Oswald--Nick (Student--2001)
Review of Jason Mraz's new album, "Waiting for My Rocket to Come"; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Cats hit stone wall against the Bears
Glasnapp--Brandie L. (Student--2002)
Panthers lost two games to Southwest Missouri State, 3-1 and 2-0; photo.
24 Kelchen's winning take on losing
Weiskircher--Heidi B. (Classes of 2005 and 2006)
Profile of sophomore pitcher Kory Kelchen; photo.
25 Panthers weather a 'Shock'ing storm; No. 1 Wichita State wins weekend series, 3-1
Szeszycki--Emily (Student--2001)
Upcoming foes for UNI include Western Illinois, Minnesota, and Southwest Missouri State; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Ron Crasky's Wide World of Schmorts
Crasky--Ron (Student--2003)
Offers suggestions for games to play at the office.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Outdoor season starts off in Mizzou Schedule for 2003 spring track and field season is posted.