Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Grab the Essentials in the Union
Kirkpatrick--Tashana Nicole (Class of 2005)
Essentials opened in Maucker Union to replace the closed Union Station; will sell snacks, clothing, and souvenirs; photo.
2 Iowa forgivable loan keeps teachers in state
Paulson--Bryce (Student--2004)
Rex and Kathy Eno contribute one million dollars to the Teaching in Iowa Incentive Award Fund.
3 More funds sought for McLeod Center
Smith--Jessica Dee (Student--2004)
McLeod Center project seeks an additional three million dollars for use in maximizing the facility before construction begins; photo.
4 UNI says farewell to influential director
Kelly--Ned (Student--2004)
Robert Byrnes died on May 28, 2004, due to complications of a stroke; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
5 On campus Meetings and events planned.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Check out what's happening in downtown Waterloo "Farm to Fork" food demonstration to be held at the downtown Waterloo Farmers' Market.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Friday'loo events Main Street Waterloo to present activities.
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8 Do you expect your loss? Remembers Robert Byrnes and urges readers to not take those they love for granted.
9 Don't bemoan gas prices
Paulson--Bryce (Student--2004)
Doubts reasons to become upset at rising gas prices in America.
10 Reagan's reign offers Bush lessons
Musgrave--Matt (Student--2004)
Describes list of similarities and differences between Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Internships becoming a necessity for college students
Smith--Jessica Dee (Student--2004)
Internships have become necessary stepping points for upper level employment; assistance for obtaining an internship can be gained from Advising and Career Services; photo.
12 Kenny Chesney concert adds 2000 extra seats for fans
Kirkpatrick--Tashana Nicole (Class of 2005)
Kenny Chesney to play at the UNI-Dome on August 6; photo.