Issue Contents

# Article Article Summary
1 Creating effective citizens Rashad Sanford, Sarah Van Gorp, and David Deeds; photo.
2 Gerald Anglum
Tribute to Gerald Anglum by Denton Ketels.
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3 A bountiful market for her talents Sarah Van Gorp talks about her work with the Iowa Soybean Association; photo.
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4 Bringing his best performance every day Matt Harris talks about his job as development coordinator for Des Moines Civic Center; photo.
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5 The legacy of purple; uncommon commitment X 2 Profiles of Kathy Kirschbaum Harrington and Chris Kirschbaum Fox, who are both lieutenant colonels in the US Army; photo.
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6 A half century down, the future to go; celebrating 50 years of graduate education
A look at the recent past and the future of graduate education at UNI; photo.
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7 Stadium Hall reunion in 2005
Hines--Carmel J. Schoenfelder (Class of 1990)
Former residents recall living conditions in Stadium Hall; reunion will be held at Homecoming 2005; photo.
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8 Solving a grape big mystery A look at the Grapevine Identification Center, headed by Professor Jean Gerrath; photo.
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9 IWRC becomes a STAR for Defense
Hines--Carmel J. Schoenfelder (Class of 1990)
Iowa Waste Reduction Center works on spray painting techniques for military vehicles; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Faculty profile: Richard Utz, a man for the middle ages
Culpepper--Gwenne C. Holmes (Compliance and Equity Staff)
Profile of Professor Richard Utz; photo.
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11 Bringing it home
Hines--Carmel J. Schoenfelder (Class of 1990)
Profile of David Deeds and his work in restoring houses in Waterloo; photo.
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12 John Goossen to be interim head of UNI Marketing & Public Relations Will succeed Gerald Anglum; photo.
13 UNI music professor conducts All-State Orchestra Professor Burckhardt conducted the high school All-State Orchestra in November 2004; photo.
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14 A T. rex named Sue Exhibit will open at Cedar Falls Utilities on March 5, 2005; photo.
15 Haack named interim dean of UNI's College of Natural Sciences Succeeds Kichoon Yang; appointment effective January 1, 2005; photo.
16 UNI dedicates new Follon Student Services Center Area on second level of Gilchrist Hall named to honor Sue Follon; center opened August 16, 2004; photo.
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17 Rare international internship offers a host of opportunities Three College of Business Administration worked for First Automobile Works in China for a year; several Chinese students are working as interns in the US.
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18 Introducing PAWS--UNI's personalized admissions Web site Web site provides opportunity for prospective students to learn about UNI.
19 Koppensteiner recognized as Outstanding German Education American Association of Teachers of German honors Professor Jurgen Koppensteiner; photo.
20 UNI's Native Roadside Vegetation Center director produces film on Iowa's prairieland Professor Daryl Smith produced "America's lost landscape: the tallgrass prairie; photo.
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21 Progress makes perfect Fall athletics season review and prospects for the spring; ground broken for McLeod Center on October 9, 2004; photo.
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22 Students First campaign update; $100 million goal reached Brief history of capital campaign; achievements of the campaign; McLeod Center Wall of Champions campaign underway; photo.
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23 From the Association chair Thanks alumni for their support; photo.
24 From the Association president
Hermansen--Noreen M. (Alumni Services)
Noreen Hermansen pays tribute to Gerald Anglum; photo.
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25 Bernard Brommel Bernard is serving on the Board of Directors of the Society of Midland Authors, Eugene V. Debs Foundation and the UNI Alumni Board. He has published with co-authors Kathleen Galvin and Carma Byland.
26 Cathmar Shaw Prange Cathmar is painting and exhibiting. She also visited her Scottish cousins and has a new grandson. She spends the winters in Florida.
27 CleoBell Mimbach Heiple-Tice CleoBell volunteers at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens and the historic home of Sam Maloof.
28 Don R. Peters Don retired as a 10-year volunteer with the San Diego Police Department in Rancho Bernardo and Montgomery Field with the S.D.P.D. Air Wing. He is enjoying his 20th year of retirement in Southern California.
29 Gladys Sawtell Schmidt Gladys is still active teaching tax preparation classes, preparing taxes and volunteering. She lives in Manning.
30 James Livingston James was honored as Educator of the Year by California State University, Sacramento. He had been a professor in educational administration at CSU and he continues to be involved.
31 John Zedrow John retired from teaching after 35 years. He is the grounds manager for the DuPage County Fair association and lives in Naperville, IL.
32 Laura Rector Voelschow Laura retired in 1982 after 36 years of teaching. She lives in Manchester
33 Luke Boone Luke was inducted into the Maryville, MO, Bowling Association's Hall of Fame.
34 Margaret Kerr Roderick Margaret is a retired teacher who volunteers for Crossroads Hospital, Jefferson County Historical Village, blood drives and the United Methodist Church's Angels program in Mt. Vernon, IL.
35 Marie Caloud Vileta Marie and her husband celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Both are active volunteers in the Tama area. They have two children, seven grandsons, 15 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.
36 Marilyn Holmes John Marilyn celebrated her 50th anniversary this summer. She and her husband live in Ankeny.
37 Milton Meuler Milton was honored with Southeastern Community College's 2004 Distinguished Alum Award in Burlington and gave the commencement address.
38 Myrtle A. Merritt Myrtle was recently honored by the State University of New York at Geneseo. The university's multiuse sports facility was named the Dr. Myrtle A. Merritt Athletic Center. She had served the university for 30 years as a distinguished faculty member.
39 Ralph Novak Ralph was honored by the VFW Post 10695 in Sun City West, AZ, on his 95th birthday. The post also named him honorary Commander in Chief for his dedication to VFW causes and charities.
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40 Andria Meeks Erzberger Andria retired from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, where she was on staff with QuarkNet, a NSF0funded particle physics teacher in Palo Alto and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science for California.
41 Arland Waters Arland retired from Jostens several years ago. He and his wife, Carol, Live in Naples, Fl.
42 Bernie Moine Bernie is a broker/owner of RE/MAX home group, Waterloo.
43 Beverly Rhines Koos Beverly received her Master of Theological Studies from Illiff School of Theology, Denver, CO.
44 Bonita Dostal-Neff Bonita is a voting representative on the National Public Broadcasting Board. She has been teaching in Croatia and South Korea and is in Who's Who in America.
45 Bonnie Debower McKean Bonne and her husband, Frank, have retired to Bonita Springs, FL.
46 Bonnie Riesgaard Lynam Bonnie is a high school principal at Audubon Community Schools. She had been a resource teacher with the district.
47 Bruce Hoffmeier Bruce retired in 2002 after 24 years as a high school administrator in Newton, and is now serving as part-time director of the Skiff Medical Center Foundation, Newton
48 Carol Brubaker Walton Carol was ordained into the ministry this spring at Community Church, UCC, Richmond, IL.
49 Carol Kirk Houk Carol is graduating from the third grade after 37 years. She retired from Edison Elementary in Waterloo.
50 Carol Rowedder Walters Carol retired as a preschool teacher. She and her husband, Arland, live in Naples, FL.
51 Carole Johnston Gardner Carole retired from Saddleback Valley Unified School District in Mission Viejo, CA, after 15 years teaching in the elementary school performing arts program. She will continue her career in real estate sales.
52 Dale Rowedder Dale retired from Ar-We-Va Schools after 38 years of teaching art.
53 Dave Wieckhorst Dave retired after teaching for 36 years in the Waterloo School System, most recently at West High School.
54 Dianne Bock Christopher Dianne is a minister with the United Methodist Church, Centerville.
55 Donna Wood Mallin Donna is an English teacher at Peet Junior High School, Cedar Falls, and was named a Gold Star Teacher
56 Gene Schaul Gene teaches high school mathematics and computer programming at Maquoketa. This is his 28th year teaching.
57 George Nicodemus George is retired and is playing softball, basketball and the senior olympics in Hereford, AZ. His specialties are the 100-yard dash and high jump.
58 Houshang Bozorgzadeh Houshang had been inducted into the USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame and recognized as the national state games athlete of the hear, both in 2002.
59 Janice Marske Witt Janice retired after 26 years as a financial manager for Printing Industry of Minnesota. She had been recognized as Outstanding Graphic Arts Leader in Minnesota. She and her husband, Bill, live in Ennis, MT.
60 Jerry Smalley Jerry will continue to coach tennis and do freelance outdoor writing. He retired after teaching high school science for 36 years in Iowa, Washington and Montana.
61 Judith Bartachek Judith is retired after 35 years teaching physical education. She is enjoying her second career as a massage therapist.
62 Judith Walton Judith retired after 31 years of teaching kinesiology at the University of Texas, Brownsville. She was honored this year by being named Professor Emeritus at UTB.
63 Karen Kelley Hoffmeier Karen retired in 2002 after 30 years as a kindergarten teacher in the Newton Community Schools. She is enjoying their 10 grandchildren, volunteering, and traveling.
64 Kay Block Sloan Kay retired from teaching at the Mason City Community Schools
65 Keith McClellan Keith made a presentation to the annual meeting for Sport History, Monterey, CA. He lives in Oak Park, MI.
66 Ken Teisinger Ken retired after 31 years as the Black Hawk County Deputy treasurer and auditor. He plans to visit France where his brother is buried.
67 Linda Baker Morton Linda retired from the University of Arizona Controller's office. She and her husband, Frank, enjoy their 10 grandchildren, going on cruises and walking. She volunteers as a reading tutor at an elementary school in Tucson, AZ.
68 Linnea Low Graen Linnea and her husband, Dick, visited friends in Australia. She had taught there in 1983 on the International Teachers Fellowship.
69 Marilyn Hala Marilyn retired from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics headquarters staff this summer. She lives in Reston, VA.
70 Marlys Mullins Pals Marlys and her husband, David, are enjoying their 11th year of retirement. She was a teacher in the Cedar Falls Schools and he was at the John Deere PEC.
71 Marvin Giebelstein Marvin spent 23 years in the USAF. He flew almost 800 hours of combat time in the F-105 in sea. He was a Realtor in the Victor Valley for 22 years and now is retired in Apple Valley, CA.
72 Mary Ann Connolly Quint Marry Ann celebrated her 60th class reunion this year. She has taught for 48 years and is currently a part-time teacher at East Buchanan Middle School in Winthrop.
73 Nancy Burham Henry Nancy has been retired for three years and living in Oakridge, OR, a tiny town in the mountains where she's been since 1961
74 Phyllis Chantland Skinner Phyllis had a poem "My Prayer" win 2nd place in the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs Creative Writing Contest. She lives in Goldfield.
75 Ray Johnston Ray received the first honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Shepherd University and was its commencement speaker. He is the president of Potomac Valley Properties.
76 Raymond Bachman Raymond was recently inducted into the Chapin Society of Beloit College, in recognition of his contributions to the college.
77 Robert Topliff Robert retired from teaching social studies at West High School, Waterloo, after teaching 38 years in the district.
78 Roger Hasselbrink Roger is an adjunct professor of history at Kirkwood Community College after retiring from teaching in the Cedar Rapids Schools.
79 Rudy Kubik Rudy received the Lieutenant Governor's Gold Dome Award for his volunteer efforts promoting education, dental health and fire safety.
80 S. Joanne Lane S. Joanne retired after 27 years as director of family and children services for Exceptional Persons Inc., Waterloo.
81 Sharon Eddy Sharon retired after 39 years of teaching, the majority of them in the Mason City Schools. Her latest assignment was a Title I teacher at Madison Elementary.
82 Steve Fey Steve was named supervisor of school improvement for the Heartland Area Education Agency. He had been with the Iowa Department of Education.
83 Steven Eggland Steven is executive director of the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, Washington, DC. He has more than 30 years educational and administrative experience, some of it with ACICS and some with the University of Nebraska.
84 Thomas E. Bruce Thomas is a professor at Sacramento City College, presented "Conflicted Images of War: a Study of Learned Incongruities" at the International Conference on Conflict Resolution in St. Petersburg, Russia.
85 UNI alumna named director of Iowa Department of Education Judy Schrad Jeffrey appointed.
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86 Barb Taylor Barb retired from teaching after 34 years in the Vinton-Shellsburg Schools.
87 Bert Svendsen Bert retired from Steamboat Springs school district after 30 years of teaching and coaching. Currently, Bert is account manager with
88 Bob Longmuir Bob has retired from the New Hampton Schools, where he was superintendent for 17 years.
89 Bruce Bernard Bruce is director of facilities and support services, Polk County, Iowa.
90 Bruce Sperry Bruce is a long time substitute teacher at the Tripoli Schools.
91 Carol Blaisdell Allbaugh Carol was selected as Administrator of the Year for Moreno Valley Unified School District as well as Citizen of the year for the city of Moreno Valley.
92 Chet McNelly Chet is retired and lives in Webster City where he owns Crazy Cat Pottery.
93 Curt Thomas Curt retired after teaching high school math for 36 years at Dunkerton Community Schools. He also taught driver's education, coached junior football and golf, was the junior high athletic director and has officiated football and basketball games.
94 Dave Nichols Dave retired from West High School after 35 years in the district. He taught social studies.
95 Dave Will Dave was selected national Coach of the Year for girls' tennis by the National High School Athletic Coaches Association. He has compiled a 407-41 dual record with 10 state team tiles for the Columbus High School Sailors, Waterloo.
96 David Pike David transferred from Fidelity Information Services offices in Little Rock, AR, to its corporate offices in Jacksonville, FL.
97 Dean Gillaspey Dean is a senior sales representative for King Pharmaceuticals.
98 Dee Naven Batchelder Dee retired after teaching 2nd grade for the last 18 years in Johnston, but has taught for 34 years.
99 Donald Lamb Donald retired this year and continues to umpire softball and coaches high school girls' basketball in Marshalltown.
100 Donn Schafer Donn retired after 35 years teaching mathematics at the secondary level. He also coached girls' basketball, softball and track, as well as boys' cross country, football, swimming and track.
101 Gary Kelley Gary Kelley created Legacy, a painting commissioned by Major League Soccer, which will adorn all its advertising, tickets, jerseys and other collateral materials.
102 Gary Weichman Gary taught physical education for 32 years, mostly at Kingsley Elementary, Waterloo, and is now retired. He did coach sophomore baseball and girls' basketball and softball at Central High School.
103 Harlan Schuck Harlan is back teaching civil and construction engineering technology at Hawkeye Community College.
104 Jennifer Denger Kreitlow Jennifer is in her 31st year of teaching at the Clarion elementary school. Currently she teaches 1st grade. She has hosted international students
105 Jerry Stephens Jerry retired after 20 years as an administrator for Marshalltown Community School District.
106 Joe Utter Joe resigned after a 37-year career at Central Community Schools. Most recently he was principal of the high school, but had been a math teacher, assistant principal and a coach.
107 Karen Lippe Karen retired after teaching art at Kingsley Elementary, Waterloo, for 17 years. She also works with the Waterloo Center for the Arts to showcase student art work.
108 Ken Budke Ken founded Vibroacoustics Solutions with an ISU mechanical engineer. The company uses materials to control noise in machinery. Budke is a Cedar Falls dentist.
109 Kris Wiegel Chipps Kris is an associate librarian in teen services in Centennial, CO. She's been there for the last 10 years.
110 LaVerne Holms LaVerne opened BlueStem Winery and Gifts in Parkersburg.
111 Linda Markus Takes Linda retired this summer. She had been a teacher in the Western Dubuque school system. She plans to do some substitute teaching or teach calligraphy.
112 Lorraine Renk Good Lorraine retired after 34 years of teaching kindergarten. She lives in Phoenix, AZ.
113 Margaret Prince Brinton Margaret has three teacher resource books available nation-wide.
114 Marilyn Miles Leeman Marilyn retired after 34 years in the elementary classrooms at West Union. She lives in Postville.
115 Mary Matthias Traetow Mary opened the Debut Art Gallery on Main Street, Cedar Falls. She had been an academic adviser at Warburg College.
116 Maxine Reidel Barrows Maxine received the 2004 Excellence in Education Award sponsored by the Iowa State Education Association. She is a family consumer science teacher at Holmes Junior High School, Cedar Falls.
117 Morey and Clarice Horstman Green Morey and Clarice both retired from the Emmetsburg Community Schools. Clarice taught for 30 years and was a kindergarten teacher at Emmetsburg West Elementary. Morey taught for 32 years and was a chemistry teacher at the high school.
118 Nancy L. Smith Nancy is a paralegal with the Oregon Tax Court after 14 years as a litigation paralegal with the Oregon Department of Justice.
119 Patricia Geadelmann Patricia received her master of divinity degree from United Theological Seminary. She was awarded the Lydia Myrl Kapp Memorial Award for Outstanding Work in Preaching and the Charlotte L. Matthews community Leadership Award to the graduate student.
120 Paula Matthews Strom Paula opened the store, "good things" in Waterloo's historic church row area. It features antiques, collectibles, and other vintage items.
121 Reginald Schmitt Reginald was tapped to fill a Waterloo City Council seat. He is a manager at John Deere.
122 Richard Wind Richard teaches band and orchestra for the Faribault Public Schools, Faribault, MN. His former band, The Fabulous Uniques, were inducted into the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
123 Robert Allbaugh Robert retired at the end of this past school year. He and his wife, Carol, live in Moreno Valley, CA.
124 Sandra Duneman Busta Sandra has retired after 34 years as an elementary teacher at Turkey Valley Community School in Jackson Junction
125 Sharon Burns-Knutson Sharon teaches part-time at an Iowa City grade school and at Coe College. She has exhibited her works at the College Hill Art Festival and her work can be found in many galleries and museums across the country.
126 Stan Slessor Stan is the superintendent of schools at Red Wing, MN, public schools.
127 Steve Crawford Steve is a social studies and PE teacher at Sumner-Fredericksburg High School. He also is head girls' varsity track coach and head girls' varsity basketball coach at West Central of Maynard High School. He is a member of the Fredericksburg city council.
128 Steven Gilliam Steven is a resident scenic designer for the St. Louis MUNY, the largest outdoor summer theatre in the country. He presented a lecture at UNI as part of the Hearst Lecture series.
129 Sue Boileau Kramer Sue lives in Albuquerque, NM.
130 Sue Harmeyer Keller Sue was honored with the Mishler Award at the annual CEA breakfast. She is an 8th grade language arts teacher at Howara Junior High.
131 Susan Wulf Oswald Susan lives on a farm near Exira. She is in her 34th year of teaching, currently 2nd grade in Atlantic.
132 Tom Bierie Tom teaches art at Western Dubuque High School, Epworth. He also advises the student newspaper and coaches volleyball at Drexler Middle School. He was honored as a Gold Star teacher.
133 UNI alum and donor receives Horatio Alger Award David W. Wilson receives award; photo.
134 Wayne Bohlken Wayne returned to teaching after 28 years. He is the industrial technology teacher at Anamosa Schools.
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# Article Article Summary
135 Alumni challenge others to give Mark and Jill Oman urge alumni to support UNI; photo.
136 Arnette Pint Arnette was appointed to the Sergeant Bluff United Community United Methodist Church. She had been a family counselor.
137 Barbara Schluter Moine Barbara has been principal at Dike Elementary School for 11 years and been in education for 24 years. She lives in Waterloo with her husband, Bernie.
138 Beverly Heppler Winterboer Beverly retired after teaching 46 years in Iowa, California and Arizona. She lives in Parker, AZ.
139 Bonnie Jans Holms Bonnie opened BlueStem Winery and Gifts in Parkersburg.
140 Cindy Mallo Sorensen Cindy joined AHST Schools as an elementary principal. Her career includes teaching second grade, Title I reading and preschool/early childhood special education.
141 David Arnold David is the interim superintendent at Prairie Valley Schools. He had been a superintendent in Clarks Summit, PA.
142 Deborah Murphy Deborah is the 1st grade teacher at St. Joseph Catholic School, Des Moines.
143 Dennis Leach Dennis is Nelnet's executive director for corporate planning. He's served in various leadership capacities with Nelnet subsidiaries. He had been with InTuition, Sallie Mae and other educational financing firms.
144 Diane Chapman Lloyd Diane was named the 2004 Athletic Trainer of the Year by the NAIA-ATA. She is the head athletic trainer at the College of the Southwest, Hobbs, NM, where she, her husband and four children live. She holds LAT and ATC certifications.
145 Don Dethlefs Don joined Cedar Valley Hospice as director of client services. He had worked with Allen Hospital for the past 28 years.
146 Elizabeth Maxey Ray Elizabeth earned her MBA from Iowa this spring.
147 Frances Vickers Crawford Frances is the community outreach/education coordinator for Mercy Medical Center, New Hampton.
148 Grant Veeder Grant was selected to represent the Iowa state association of Counties on the board of directors of the National Association of counties. He is the Black Hawk County auditor.
149 Jay Arntzen Jay was promoted to vice president South Area for KONE Inc. and moved to Atlanta, GA.
150 Joan Harmeyer Cochrane Joan received the Distinguished Service Award from the North Central Business Education Association. She teaches at Prairie High School, Cedar Rapids.
151 Joan Kleinwort Haack Joan earned her ESL endorsement trough Heartland Area Education Agency and Kansas State University.
152 Joe Starcevich Joe became dean of the Indian Hills Community College Centerville campus. He had been a principal at Centerville Schools.
153 Karla Petersen Harn Karla merged her financial services company with those of Patricia Monat. Their firm is located in Waterloo.
154 Kathie Stevens Barry Kathie released a new CD, Crush on You. She is a school counselor at Aplington-Parkersburg Schools.
155 Kelly Rohlf Kelly became principal at Virgil Grissom Elementary, Princeton, in the North Scott School District. He had been principal at Stewart Elementary in Washington.
156 Linda Rigdon Shatzer Linda retired from the Denver schools after 24 years of teaching. She was the reading teacher at the middle school.
157 Linda Watson Schutte Linda is teaching family and consumer sciences at Cedar Falls Senior High School.
158 Margaret Gilchrist Kenaley Margaret earned her MA in library and information studies from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
159 Marie Speilbauer Lemka Marie joined Columbus High School as an English teacher. She had worked at Janesville High School.
160 Mark Opsal Mark is division manager for credit risk at John Deere Credit, Johnston, He and his wife, Sue, live in West Des Moines.
161 Nadene Arthur Davidson Nadene joined the UNI Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services faculty. She had been director of the Malcolm Price Lab School, Cedar Falls.
162 Paul Klinge Paul is president of the Lincoln group, Waverly, and he received his certified business intermediary designation during he International Business Broker Association conference.
163 Randy Lincoln Randy is the boy's basketball coach and business teacher at Centralia. He had been an assistant coach at Rock Island High School, IL.
164 Randy Young Randy is teaching special education at Newton Schools. He had taught at the West Des Moines Schools.
165 Rebecca Graf Williams Rebecca is the language arts and math teacher at Union Middle School and was named a Gold Star teacher.
166 Reed Hunemuller Reed, co-owner of Harting & Hunemuller Contractors, received an honorable mention as Best Home Builder in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier's Best Of edition
167 Regina Salemink Schantz Regina has been teaching secondary Spanish at Waco Schools and is pursuing her master's in curriculum and instruction.
168 Rhonda Carney Bergmann Rhonda has been with Allen Memorial Hospital for 25 years.
169 Rhonda Groeneveld Achenbach Rhonda is the half-time middle school ELP teacher. She has taught elementary classes for 25 years.
170 Richard Gaard Richard was selected as on of seven American officers to take part in the multi-national peacemaking exercise at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany.
171 Rosemary Campbell Geiken Rosemary is working on her doctorate in curriculum and instruction at NI. She is a project associate at the Regents' Center for Early Developmental Education at UNI and is sharing a contract as director of TLC.
172 RuthAnn Rosenkrans Chilton Ruthann retired from Bunger Middle School this year after 27 years of teaching. She plans to fish and relax.
173 Sandra Davis Gero Sandra is principal at Equestrian Trails Elementary in Florida. She has taught at various elementary schools in Florida.
174 Sandra Davis Gero Sandra is principal at Equestrian Trails Elementary in Florida. She has taught at various elementary schools in Florida
175 Steven Adams

Steven accepted a position as athletic director at Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL.

176 Tim Dose Tim is superintendent at North Scott School District.
177 Tracy Drew Tracy works for AXA Advisors as a financial consultant and lives in Springboro, OH.
178 Vicki Cox Cose Vicki is a teacher and media specialist at Expo High School, Waterloo, was named Gold Star teacher.
179 Wayne Sensor Wayne is the Alegent Heath CEO. He came to Alegent from CHRISTUS Schumpert Health System in Louisiana.
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180 Amy Appleman Pottebaum Amy teaches first grade and reading recovering at Adel Elementary.
181 Barbara Bockhaus Lamfers Barbara was the social services director for the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Corps of the Salvation Army and is now director of transitional housing.
182 Barbara Green Keninger Barbara is the CEP Administrator of the Presbyterian Village of Ackley. It is a long-term care retirement community. She had been an accountant and business manager prior to her promotion.
183 Beth Hatcher Miller Beth is a CPA and partner with Bowman and Miller, PC, Marshalltown.
184 Bobbie Williams Bobbie is a lieutenant colonel assigned to the Pentagon as chief of the Army Operations Center. Williams lives in Stafford, VA.
185 Brenda Hughes Bauermeister Brenda teaches first grade at Terril School. She had taught in Pensacola, FL, and Escondido, CA, while her husband was in the Navy.
186 Brent Gilmore Brent joined the Waterloo office of Piper Jaffray as a developing financial adviser in the private client services division. He had been a health care representative with Pfizer Inc.
187 Brian Wilson Brian is an obstetrical/gynecological specialist and he joined Northwest Iowa Surgeons, PC, Spirit Lake.
188 Bruce Hartley Bruce was named the head boys' basketball coach at Fort Dodge Senior High. He had been the sophomore coach and the varsity assistant coach. He is also dean of students at Fair Oaks Middle School.
189 Casey Drew Casey is the city controller/auditor in Cedar Rapids. He had been the accounting services manager for the city.
190 Catherine Kahler Orth Catherine is the fund development director for Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity. She had been a development associate for KUNI Public Radio and the executive director of Christian Crusaders Radio ministry.
191 Connie Halder Ankenbauer Connie earned her ESL endorsement through Heartland Area Education Agency and Kansas State University.
192 Dawn Burmeister Wright Dawn is serving as a half time 6th grade writing teacher at Maquoketa Middle School. She had been a teacher at Weslaco, TX.
193 Dawn Willems Arbogast Dawn received her master's in curriculum and instruction from the University of Phoenix Online.
194 Deanna Kuhn Trumbull Deanna owns her own marketing and consulting firm in the Iowa City area. She was chosen to oversee the redevelopment of an old industrial park in Coralville. She and her husband have three children.
195 Deb Little Deb teaches 4th grade at Denver Schools. She is in her 13th year of teaching.
196 Doug Gee Doug was named the football coach at Waterloo West High School. He had been football coach at North Tama, Traer.
197 Ida Walker Ida is president of Ida Walker Manuscript Services, a publishing services company, Binghamton, NY.
198 James Clapsaddle James graduated from the Department of Defense's Air War College for senior ranking officers and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
199 Jay Wickham Jay is a play-by-play announcer for the local media covering TV high school basketball games.
200 Jeff Etringer Jeff is a 7th and 8th grade science teacher at Jesup schools.
201 Jerry Meyer Jerry returned home to Columbus after serving a year in Afghanistan. While there, he assisted with getting supplies for Afghani school children. The major in the National Guard is also a world history teacher at Columbus High School.
202 Jill Harris Schroeder Jill is teaching high school mathematics at Akron-Westfield. She has previously taught junior high and high school mathematics at several different schools. She, her husband and four children live in Akron.
203 Joan Walther Greenlee Joan was named Wal-Mart teacher of the year and received her 10-year pin at Waverly-Shell Rock schools.
204 Jodi Danielsen Jodi joined Lutheran Services in Iowa as a mental health counselor. She had been a counselor at Highland Rivers Mental health Center in Rome, GA.
205 John Buse John was appointed assistant dean of students and director of the new student programs at UNI.
206 Jolene Vinson Jolene is head volleyball coach at Prosper Schools, Texas.
207 Jon Weih Jon is director of student life at the Iowa City campus of Kirkwood Community College.
208 Karen Seiwert Herkelman Karen was appointed director of correctional services with the 1st Judicial District's Department of Correctional Services. She lives in Hudson.
209 Kari Dailey Gunderson Kari is the new principal at Expo High School, Waterloo. She had been principal at Bunger Middle School and former Expo teacher.
210 Kathy Martin Kathy was promoted to assistant director of the Educational Opportunity Center at UNI. She has been with the program for the last eight years.
211 Kevin Hansen Kevin joined Hellman Associates, Waterloo, as a senior copywriter. He had been marketing manager at McKenna Professional Imaging.
212 Kristen Nanke Croell Kristen joined New Hampton Clinic as a family nurse practitioner.
213 Lorene Whitehouse Dykstra Lorene is the secondary principal for the Ventura School District. She comes from Maquoketa where she was the high school principal.
214 Lori Cook Stuckmyer Lori teaches high school chemistry, physics and basic science at Davis County Community Schools. She came back to Iowa after teaching junior high science in Waco, TX.
215 Lori Melin Fillbrandt Lori was named Teacher of the Year for 2004. She is a campus instructional specialist at Cimarron Elementary in Galena Park, ISD, Houston, TX.
216 Mark Schwab Mark is the head wrestling coach for Buena Vista University, Storm Lake. He has been an assistant at Minnesota.
217 Marla Wells Padget Marla is the principal at Central Middle School, Waterloo. She had been assistant principal.
218 Mary Brutsche Andersen Mary teaches band at Fairfield Middle School, Fairfield.
219 Mary Sedlacek Benion Mary works for the U.S. Post Office in Cedar Rapids as a letter carrier. She lives in Palo.
220 Mary Sharp Nowlin Mary was named to a newly created position of vice president, key accounts with GTESS Corp., Richardson, TX. She had been with First Consulting Group, EDS, and Standard Life & Accident.
221 Michael Hager Michael is the director of residence at UNI. For the past 11 years he has been in the residence department at the University of Nebraska.
222 Mindy Stump Hein Mindy is teaching
223 Normand Bogunia Normand is the morning drive announcer for WKKW -97.9, a country station in Morgantown, WV.
224 Paul Schlueter Paul was elected treasurer of the Construction Financial Management Association. He is controller for the Taylor Construction Group, Des Moines, and is a CPA.
225 Paul Wenthold Paul was promoted to associate professor in the Department of Chemistry at Purdue University.
226 Peter Schlicksup Peter became partner of Price Waterhouse Coopers. He, his wife, and two children live in Falls Church, VA.
227 Randy Johnsen Randy teaches instrumental music for grades 5-12 at Fredericksburg.
228 Rene Recinos Rene joined the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Mason City Clinic. He has his medical degree and PhD in biochemistry, both from Iowa.
229 Rich Christensen Rich is the executive producer and host of a new racing show, "Pinks." It will air on Fox Sports Network. He lives in Nashville, TN, with his wife.
230 Ruth Edson Litchfield Ruth was selected as the Iowa Dietetic Association's Dietitian of the Year. She is an assistant professor at Iowa State and the state nutrition extension specialist.
231 Sandra Roberts Sandra was promoted to test manager at ACS State and Local Solutions, Rockville, MD. She lives in Reston, VA.
232 Seth Bonnett Seth is a football coach for Northern University High School, Cedar Falls.
233 Sharon Adams Schneider Sharon retired from First Security Bank and Trust, Charles City, after a 23-year career. She started as a bookkeeper and ended in the real estate department.
234 Stephanie Fossum Spain Stephanie teaches 2nd grade at Postville. She has been substitute teaching for the last 14 years.
235 Steve Pelzer Steve is the controller of Iowa Lakes Community College, Estherville.
236 Sue Bulfer Koch Sue is the associate provost at UNI and was named interim dean of the Graduate College.
237 Sue Doolittle Opsal Sue is a homemaker and church volunteer. She and her husband, Mark, live in West Des Moines.
238 Susan Meyeraan Susan joined the business and economics faculty at Warburg College. She had been an adjunct instructor at UNI's business and natural sciences colleges.
239 Terri McNurlen-Bogunia Terri is a supported employment supervisor for Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center, Morgantown, WV.
240 Thea Roberts McKee Thea is an ordained Presbyterian minister, serving as head of staff for the Church of the Savior, Oklahoma City, OK. She has been very active in many church related activities since graduating from UNI, and is currently pursuing her doctorate in ministry.
241 Thomas Neville Thomas has been promoted to principal with Auerbach Pollock Friedlander, a performing arts/media facilities planning and design firm. He has been with the firm since 1996 and is the principal in charge of the firm's Minneapolis office.
242 Todd Farland Todd was named buyer in the purchasing department of Winnebago Industries, Forest City. He has been at Winnebago for 20 years in the sales department. He and his family live in Forest City.
243 Todd Meyer Todd became the principal of Spring Hill Middle School, Wisconsin Dells, WI. He and his wife, Lyn, have three children.
244 Wade Anderson Wade opened The Essential Medical Spa, an anti-aging skin care and laser center in the Cedar Valley.
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245 Aimee Deimerly-Snyder Aimee and her husband bought Lillie Mae Chocolates, Marshalltown. She is active in the Marshalltown community.
246 Amy Entwisle Amy is an elementary teacher at Orchard View. She had been teaching in Alaska, giving tours and working as a dog handler for Iditarod team.
247 Brad Breitbach Brad was named general manager of the landmark Gerard's Restaurant, Alaina, HI.
248 Brady Gruhn Brady is sales and leasing specialist with Lockard Companies, Waterloo.
249 Brian and Kaia Tiese Dutler Brian and Kaia live in Blue Springs, MO. Brian is general manager/head golf professional at Adams Pointe Golf Club in Blue Springs. Kaia owns and operates Wave Instruction, a swim lesson program in Liberty.
250 Brian Bock Brian is financial representative for Cuna Mutual. He has three children and lives in North Liberty.
251 Brian Costello Brian is the elementary principal at Northwood-Kensett. He had been principal at CAL elementary school.
252 Brian Pottebaum Brian is the principal at Jesup elementary school.
253 Chad Johnson Chad is the head girls' varsity basketball coach for Hampton-Dumont schools. He had been coaching at North Kossuth schools. He'll also teach fifth grade and assume other coaching duties.
254 Christine Graf Christine Graf wrote Paris by Bistro with her husband Dennis. She also authored the book The Cafes of Paris. They live in St. Paul, MN.
255 Christine Humes Christine is a consultant for Homemade Gourmet, Cedar Falls.
256 Corey Eschweiler Corey is an attorney with Snell & Wilmer, Las Vegas, NV, was named one of the Rising Stars under 40 by In Business Las Vegas.
257 Darin Leach Darin was named public information coordinator for USDA's Rural Development office. He had been with The Meyocks Group and lives in the Des Moines area.
258 Dawn Fober Siech Dawn is the school improvement coordinator for Tipton Community Schools. She has worked at schools in Fort Worth, TX.
259 Debra Umbrell Zanfes Debra was named Educator of the Year by businesses in the Sioux City area. She teaches moderate special education at Sioux City Middle School.
260 Devin McKinney Devin authored a book Magic Circles: The Beatles in Dream and History.
261 Emily Moyer Reid Emily is a teacher in San Bernardino, CA. She and her family live in Fontana, CA.
262 Greg Fritz Greg received the American Public Power Association's Larry Hobart Seven Hats award. He had taught at South Tama Middle School and assisted with the UNI Panther Marching Band.
263 Greg O'Connell

Greg is an elementary educator from the Grant Wood Elementary School, Cedar Rapids, and received a 2004 Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award of $25,000.

264 James Reid James received his MBA from California State Polytechnic University, graduating summa cum laude and chosen as Outstanding Graduate Student. He and his family live in Fontana, CA.
265 Jana Middleswart Jana will be the learning resource center teacher at Jefferson Elementary in the Clinton School District. She had been in Texas getting her MS in library science from the University of North Texas.
266 Janice Wegenast Ott Janice retired as director of elementary education for the Cedar Falls School District. She ends a 41 year career in education with her retirement.
267 Jason Aird Jason was appointed to the Iowa Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology Examiners by Governor Tom Vilsack. He is an audiologist at Henry County Health Center
268 Jay Judas Jay joined Sun Life Financial as vice president of marketing for Bermuda International Operations.
269 Jeff Grifflin Jeff is the high school instrumental music instructor at Clear Lake School District. He had taught at South Tama Middle School and assisted with the UNI Panther Marching Band.
270 Jeff Kurtz Jeff is the executive director of the Cedar Falls Historical Society. He had been with the Pearl Button Museum, Muscatine.
271 Jeffrey Firsching Jeffrey is in his fifth year as high school social studies teacher and basketball coach with the Lawton-Bronson Schools.
272 Jennifer Moon Tjaden Jennifer joined Mathis Earnest & Vaneventer as client serves coordinator. She had been with Waterloo Industries.
273 Jenny McElmeel Jenny is a quality engineer at John Deere Ottumwa Works, Ottumwa.
274 Jim Jermier Jim joined the UNI Foundation as assistant director for planned giving. He had been employed by VGM Club.
275 Joe Surma Joe is a fund development coordinator for the Covenant Foundation. He had been public relations director at the American Red Cross and weekend anchor for KWWL-TV
276 Joel Weeks Joel is the junior and senior high principal at the Jesup Elementary school
277 John and Kara Stoohs Cernohous John and Kara have two boys and live in Bulverde, TX. John works for Harcourt Assessment as a program manager. Kara teaches kindergarten in the Northside ISD, San Antonio.
278 John Speer John became the superintendent at Allamakee Community Schools. He had been high school principal at Independence.
279 Karla Hackenmiller Karla is the chair of printmaking at Ohio University, Athens, OH. She also serves as an officer of the MidAmerica Print Council.
280 Kenneth Tovar Kenneth teaches social studies at Don Bosco.
281 Kurt Warner Kurt moved to the New York Giants NFL football teams as one of its quarterbacks.
282 Lance Menster Lance is a mathematics coordinator for Houston ISD, TX.
283 Laura Pfohl Bies Laura is senior project manager at Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque.
284 Leslie Mitchell Leslie works in the asset preservation and closing department at Principal Financial Group, Des Moines.
285 Mariah Betz Andrews Mariah works in the digital marketing department of an advertising agency in Kansas City, MO. She has a daughter and another on the way.
286 Mark Smith Mark is an aquatic biologist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis TN.
287 Matthew Meinhard Matthew received his master's of social work from Iowa and works at the Youth Shelter Services.
288 Megan Fowler Megan is a counselor at Clark County R-I High School, Kahoka MO.
289 Melissa Boe Hamer Melissa is the accounting manager at the Cedar Rapids Water Department. She married this year.
290 Michael Dawson Michael is an elementary principal in Branson, MO. He and his wife, Wendy, have two children.
291 Renae Bergan Beneke Renae teaches science at Peet Junior High School, Cedar Falls, and coaches volleyball and track.
292 Rich Lorence Rich is an account executive for KIMT-TV, Mason City.
293 Rob Bixenman Rob is an insurance producer for Le Mars Insurance Agency. He holds his CPCU designation, and has previously spent eight years working with all types of investment and insurance products. He, his wife, Janelle, and daughter live in Le Mars.
294 Robert Spalding Robert is the author of The Essential Guide to Touring Washington Wineries. This is his first book.
295 Shantel Twiggs Shantel became the track and field head coach at the University of Nevada. She had been women's track and field coach at Northern Illinois University and was an assistant coach with UNI.
296 Sonia Cuvelier Walsh Sonia uses her acting degree while still here in Iowa. She has two agents in Des Moines and one in Omaha. She has modeled/acted for Better Homes and Gardens, Amana and several Des Moines area organizations. She and her husband, Chuck, have four children.
297 Susan Dinsmore-Talbott Susan has taught high school Spanish for 10 years in Wahoo, NE. She, her husband and son live in Omaha.
298 Susan Oversen Suhr Susan joined Davenport-based Northwest Bank and Trust CO.'s mortgage lending team as a real estate loan originator.
299 Suzan Merfeld Andrews Suzan teaches high school social studies and assists with volleyball. She has taught social studies in Mason City and Charles City and worked with AEA 267.
300 Suzanne Parrish Glascock Suzanne joined Waverly Health Center as a physician in obstetrics and gynecology.
301 Tammy Farnam Cashman Tammy is teaching 1st grade at Denver Schools. She had been teaching in Waterloo. She is working on her master's at UNI.
302 Terrence Ou Terrence joined Zunch Communications as a systems analyst in Dallas, TX. He is regarded as the world's authority on Chinese search engine optimization.
303 Terri Wiley Terri is working on her masters in public administration at Portland State University.
304 Thomas Christopher Thomas graduated with an MFA in creative writing from Western Michigan University.
305 Threase Harms-Hassoun Threase started her own public policy and government relations consulting company,, Advocacy Strategies. She has a young son and lives in Windsor Heights.
306 Traci Bizios Traci manages benefits for Associated Benefits Co., West Des Moines.
307 Vicki Wharton Vicky was promoted to community services supervisor at Operation Threshold, Waterloo. She had been the agency's community resource specialist.
308 Wendy Wabeke Dawson Wendy is a clinical psychologist at a community mental health center. She and her husband, Michael, have two children.
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309 Alissa Sutherrs Jirack Alissa is a school district resource officer for Muscatine's police force.
310 Amy Fitzgerald Schipper Amy is campus visit coordinator at the UNI Admissions office.
311 Anastasia Lee

Anastasia is a publicist with ABC Cable Networks Group promoting the Disney Channel and the ABC family.

312 Angela Lensing Dark Angela was named marketing director for the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
313 Angie Murphy Klinkkammer Angie is the West Branch city treasurer and finance director. She had served in a similar position for the Iowa City Chamber of Commerce
314 Blake Miller Blake is a motivation and performance enhancement consultant for athletes and coaches, and a sport phycology researcher at the Norwegian University of Sport Science in Oslo, Norway.
315 Bradley Best Bradley was promoted to senior project engineer and elected to the company's board of directors with Peters Construction Corp., Waterloo.
316 Carey Anderson Winter Carey works with special education in the Colo-Nesco elementary school.
317 Charlotte Hartmann Charlotte teaches 3rd and 4th grades at Audubon Elementary, Rock Island, IL. She is finishing graduate school at Western Illinois University in reading.
318 Chris Smith Chris is a professional business recruiter in Des Moines. He had worked for Principal Financial Group.
319 Christine Fuller Maske Christine is with Midland National Life as a senior representative in its fixed and equity index annuity division, Des Moines.
320 Christopher Luhring Christopher was promoted to police chief in Parkersburg.
321 Corey Martin Corey joined the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as an assistant volleyball coach. He had been head coach at Whitefish Bay High School
322 Curt Buhr Curt joined Exceptional Persons Inc. as the Black Hawk County training coordinator for the child0care resource and referral program. He had been a teacher in the Excelsior Springs, MO schools
323 Darcie Wirth Kramer Darcie is a sixth-grade reading teacher at Seton Elementary School.
324 Dave Larson Dave is the Denver Elementary School's at-risk coordinator. He had been at New Hampton Schools.
325 Elizabeth Leas Elizabeth was promoted as the bilingual community outreach membership manager for Activity Centers, and YMCA for the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council, Houston, TX.
326 Eric Griffin Eric is a firefighter for the city of Davenport.
327 Fred Lowery Fred is the work study/transition coordinator for the Basehor-Linwood and Tonganoxie School Districts. He lives in Lawrence, KS.
328 Gloria Stigler Gloria is an employment assistant specialist at the King Center, Waterloo.
329 Ivy Sprangue Ivy works at the State Bank of Waverly as its marketing assistant. She had been director of marketing and communications for the Waverly Health Center.
330 James Butterworth James graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland, and is now a surgical resident at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
331 Jason Lechtenberg Jason is the fleet manager Heartland Express, Cedar Rapids.
332 Jay Johnston Jay was promoted to regional credit analyst for Community First, Decorah. He and his family live in Cresco.
333 Jeff DeBuhr Jeff received the Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year award in Evergreen, CO. He teaches 7th grade math at Evergreen Middle School and coaches JV boys' basketball and junior high boy's track.
334 Jeffrey Danielson Jeffrey was elected to the Iowa State Senate in District 10, which includes Hudson, part of Cedar falls and part of Waterloo. He is a Cedar Falls firefighter.
335 Jenifer Arnold Jenifer is the executive director of El Centro Latinoamericano, a Latino resource center in Waterloo.
336 Jennifer L. Alexander Jennifer is a special education teacher and counselor at St. Edward Elementary School in Waterloo, and was named a Gold Star Teacher.
337 Jennifer Stull Jennifer is the director of membership outreach and programs for the Girl Scouts-Great Plains Council, Omaha, NE. She was recently recognized as one of the city's "Ten Outstanding Young Omahans" and is a member of the Leadership Omaha class.
338 Jeremy Maske Jeremy works for the Social Security Administration, Des Moines. He does training and is very active with the federal employee union.
339 Jessica Lang Gerhart Jessica owns a faux finishing and decorative printing company called Brushstrokes. She and her husband, Nick, live in Urbandale.
340 Jill Graettinger Mielke Jill is the 6-8 language arts teacher and coach at Terril-Graetinger Middle School. She had been teaching and coaching with West Hancock Schools.
341 Jill Sturtz Jill is teaching preschool and kindergarten for the South Tama schools.
342 Joe Goodrich Joe teaches high school government, sociology, and social studies in addition to being the student council sponsor and the assistant girls' track coach. He and his family live in Greene.
343 John Heidersbach John is an instructor at Hawkeye Community College, Waterloo.
344 John Sifert John is teaching K-5 Spanish and 9-12 Spanish at the CAL building in the CAL-Dows schools. He had been teaching in the district's middle schools.
345 Joni Huff Joni accepted the position of director of admissions at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
346 Josh Ellwanger Josh joined the law offices of Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin as an attorney in its Kansas City, MO office. He will be a member of the firm's litigation department and focus on products liability, insurance litigation and business & commercial litigation.
347 Josh Norton Josh started with the Sourthdale branch of Commercial Federal bank as a small business banker. He was with Community State Bank.
348 Karen Koster Garringer Karen is the K-6 resource room teacher at Gildden-Ralston, as well as the cheerleading sponsor for football and basketball. She used to teach in Manning.
349 Kimberly Hayworth Kimberly is dean of business, communications, humanities and social sciences at Northeast Iowa Community College, Calmar campus.
350 Kristi Zell Martin Kristi teaches Spanish at Don Bosco. She has taught in Minnesota, Lisbon and a Native American school.
351 Kyle Palmer Kyle is a 4th grade teacher in Ankeny and working toward a master's in administration at Drake.
352 Latricia Hylton Latricia now the director of UNI's Upward Bound Math and Science center. She had taught mathematics at Hawkeye Community College.
353 Lee Bird Lee is a 6th grade teacher at Aurora Heights Elementary. He will also coach 8th grade football and 10th grade girls' basketball for Newton Schools.
354 Levi Lyle Levi is teaching 7-10 science and will be a school guidance counselor at the Meskwaki Settlement School, Tama.
355 Lisa Trumpold Woodward Lisa is an assistant project manager for and sales/marketing coordinator for Skogman Homes. She started her MBA at Iowa this fall.
356 Margaret Rick Margaret is the science department chairperson at the Academy for Career Education High School, Sparks, NV.
357 Matt Cobb Matt graduated from the Kansas University school of Medicine and is in residency in Mason City.
358 Matt Maurer Matt joined Garner dentist office of Drs. Tense, Young and Ruhland.
359 Michael Lloyd Griffin Michael is a police officer for the city of Moine, IL.
360 Michaele Hoelscher Olson Michaele is assistant relationship manager at US Bank in Sioux City. She had been with the Sioux Trail Girl Scout Council.
361 Miya Molaison Reichwald Miya graduated from Drake University Law School and is working at the Litow Law Office, Cedar Rapids.
362 Nicholas and Elaine Wong Menke Nicholas and Elaine live in West Des Moines, Nick is a band director at Norwalk School and Elaine is a band director at North Polk schools.
363 Nick Gerhart Nick is an attorney and lives with his wife, Jessica, in Urbandale.
364 Nicole Spettel Nicole teaches 6th grade reading and language arts at the Lincoln Center for Albia Schools.
365 Patrick Johnston Patrick works as a scientific operator tech at UNI's Ag-Based Industrial Lubricants research program, Waverly.
366 Rachelle Martin Thompson Rachelle was promoted to audit manager of the Hogan-Hansen accounting firm.
367 Rebecca Feldman Rebecca works for the Iowa College and Student Aid Commission in Des Moines. She will graduate with a master's in education from ISU this spring.
368 Robert Shontz Robert graduated from the University of Iowa College of Medicine and will do a four year anesthesia residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals and clinics, Iowa City
369 Ryan Askeland Ryan received his medical degree from the University of Iowa and will begin a residency in pathology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
370 Sarah Cope Sarah was named assistant director of KinderCare Learning Center
371 Shannon Heisterkamp Shannon earned her ESL endorsement through Heartland Area Education Agency and Kansas State University.
372 Stacy Reinhart Stacy is an audiologist in Mankato, MN. She received her doctorate in audiology from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry's school of audiology.
373 Tarah Shannon Palmer Tarah is a 5th grade teacher at Ballard Community Schools.
374 Tim Kirchoff Tim lives in St. Johnsbury, VT, and works for MicroDATA GIS making enhanced 9-1-1 maps.
375 Tisha Albertson Thompson Tisha is teaching general music and choir at W-CL-T. She had taught English in Minnesota and a high school in London, England.
376 Tom Church Tom and his military police unit were brought in to improve the conditions at the Iraqi Aby Ghrab prison. Tom is leading the mission.
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377 Adam Small Adam is the assistant general manager of sales and marketing for the Burlington Bees, a minor league baseball team that is the Class A Midwest league affiliate of the Kansas City Royals.
378 Alaina Shoopman Small Alaina is a reading recovery Title I teacher for the Fort Madison Community Schools.
379 Amanda Buse Amanda is a kindergarten teacher at East Elementary, Sheldon.
380 Amy Coughlin Amy teaches government, world history and psychology at the Davis County Community Schools. She also coached the softball program this summer.
381 Angela Grossman Angela teaches science for grades 7-9 for Glidden-Ralston Community Schools. She also coaches junior high volleyball. She had taught in Dallas Center-Grimes.
382 Angie Briggs Angie is teaching 6th grade special education at Colfax-Mingo Schools.
383 Beth Schwartz Hilliard Beth teaches high school Spanish at Lisbon Schools.
384 Brandy Williams Brandy is teaching kindergarten at Pleasant View, Webster City.
385 Bree Suthers Bree works for the Muscatine Police force and is nearly through with her field-training program.
386 Brian Surrat Brian teaches industrial technology at Aplington-Parkersburg High School and is assistant boys' basketball coach.
387 Carrie Burdick Carrie teaches high school language arts and 8th grade English at Osage Schools.
388 Cassie Miller Cassie is teaching part-time 5th grade at Nashua-Plainfield. She student taught in Waterloo and in Melbourne, Australia.
389 Cheryl Coonrod Cheryl is teaching art at W-CL-T, as well as sponsoring the junior class and the yearbook and assistant volleyball coach.
390 Corey Hines Corey is a GIS specialist for the Linn County Auditor's office in Cedar Rapids.
391 Corey Jacobson Corey is a human resource associate with the Cedar Rapids Gazette
392 Courtney Lehne Courtney joined the Conestoga Council of Girl Scouts, Waterloo, as membership and marketing specialist.
393 Diana Kersbergen Diana was press officer for athletes competing in the Paralympics in Athens, Greece. She is a public information coordinator at the U.S. Olympic Training Center, Chula Vista CA.
394 Gabe Davis Gabe teaches 2nd grade at Kluckhohn Elementary, part of the Le Mars Community Schools. He will also coach 9th grade girls' basketball and be a part of the baseball coaching staff.
395 Isaac Podolefsky Isaac is director of UNI's Community Technology Center, Waterloo.
396 Jackie Lennon Jackie teaches fifth grade at Trinity Catholic School, Protivin. She lives in Calmar.
397 Jana Benson Jana is a fourth grade resource teacher at South Tama Intermediate.
398 Jodi Gerdes Jodi is the high school PE instructor at Osage schools.
399 Josh Heggen

Josh was recognized as an Ourstanding Intern by the Democratic members of the Iowa Senate. He worked in for the Iowa Senate Democratic Research Staff.

400 Judy Slaikeu Judy is programming director at the grout museum, Waterloo.
401 Kama Leerar Kama is teaching high school Spanish for Osage schools.
402 Kari Koopman Kari is working for Aventis Pharmaceuticals and is relocating to Des Moines.
403 Kathy Susong Kathy works for InVision Architecture, Waterloo.
404 Katie Koch Katie is teaching pre-kindergarten for AHST Schools.
405 Katy Johnson Katy joined the Clarinda schools as an elementary vocal music teacher.
406 Kelley Jonte Loveless Kelley joined the Tripoli elementary staff as an SCIn teacher.
407 Kelly Zmolek Upah Kelly is an At-Risk/PEP teacher at South Tama middle school
408 Kevin Kuker Kevin teaches high school history , coaches JV boys' basketball and supervises the CAL-Dows High School mock trial.
409 Kris Seitz Kris teaches manufacturing, woodworking, and computer-aided drafting, manual drafting and the 7th and 8th grade exploratory classes at BKJSH. He and his wife live in Belmond
410 Linda Nelson Linda teaches extended-day kindergarten Olmsted Elementary, Urbandale.
411 Luann Jackson Luann teaches prekindergarten at Meskwaki Settlement School, Tama.
412 Luke Gebel Luke joined The Mudd Group, Cedar Falls, as a direct marketing account executive.
413 Lynne Wagner Lynne is the new education director at the Grout Museum, Waterloo.
414 Matt Harris Matt is development coordinator at the Civic Center of Greater Des Moines. He had been the advertising sales coordinator at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center at UNI.
415 Matt Leeman Matt is a kindergarten teacher at Postville Schools.
416 Matt Schneiderman Matt signed a contract to play basketball with Lausann/Morges of the LNA, First League of Switzerland.
417 Matthew Smith Matthew is a full-time doctorate student in physical therapy at Des Moines University.
418 Megan Riniker Lahey Megan teaches high school Spanish at Hempstead High School, Dubuque.
419 Melissa O'Connell Melissa was promoted from supported living staff to site coordinator at Exceptional Persons Inc., Waterloo.
420 Michelle Yeggy Michelle is the early childhood special education teacher at Tipton Schools. She will also coach 8th grade girls' basketball. Previously she taught special education in Arizona.
421 Mike Rink Mike joined The Mudd Group, Cedar Falls, as a direct marketing account executive.
422 Miranda Coleman Miranda is teaching special education at Emerson Hough Elementary in Newton.
423 Miranda Weber Miranda teaches kindergarten at Denver Schools.
424 Missy Langel Missy is teaching Title I at Clark Elementary and Gehlen Catholic, Le Mars. She also is an assistant coach for 7th grade girls basketball and 9th grade volleyball.
425 Missy Samuelson Missy is pre-kindergarten teacher at the Meskwaki Settlement School, Tama.
426 Rebecca Kruse Rebecca
427 Rebecca Kruse Rebecca began a six-month internship with the U.S. Olympic Committee Media and Public Relations Division.
428 Rebecca Ogilvie Rebecca is the K-5 general music teacher at Denver.
429 Rodney Schumacher Rodney joined Peters Construction Corp. as a project engineer. He completed his internship with Peters.
430 Salome Phillmann Salome traveled to Israel to help rebuild Palestinian homes.
431 Sandy Rolwes Sandy joined the regional consulting and accounting firm of Eide Bailly, Dubuque.
432 Sara Konrad Sara is the assistant editor of the West Liberty index while she pursues a master's degree in journalism at Iowa.
433 Sara Wellman Sara is an English teacher at Fort Clarke Middle School, Gainesville, FL.
434 Teresa Kulow Teresa is marketing director for La'James International College. She lives in Fort Dodge.
435 Todd White Todd is the middle school science teacher at Postville.
436 Travis Elliott Travis is a third grade teacher at Edison Elementary, Waterloo.
437 Tristan Boddicker Tristan is teaching U.S. and world history, world regions and introduction to history at the Mesqwaki Settlement School, Tama.
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# Article Article Summary
438 Alice Bernston Fjeld Alice died December 26, 2003.
439 Alice Poole Kyle Alice died November 15, 2000.
440 Allene Havens Howard

Allene died December 27, 2003.

441 Arvid Lein Arvid died August 19, 2004.
442 Bartley Ogden Bartley died December 26, 2003.
443 Doris Husband Labor Doris died August 10, 2004.
444 Dorothy Owen Dorothy died February 6, 2004.
445 Frances Krouse Putnam Frances died November 22, 2003
446 George Taylor George died June 8, 2004.
447 Helen Lilly Hagedorn Helen died January 15, 2004.
448 Hilda Skinner Hilda died December 12, 2003.
449 Hilda Skinner Hilda died November 12, 2004.
450 Johanna Cannelll Egan Johanna died September 12, 2004.
451 Johanna Smid Jansen Johanna died May 18, 2004.
452 Lauraine Miles Dinger Lauraine died December 24, 2003.
453 Lulu Prull Kramer Lulu died December 27, 2003.
454 Mabel SturtzVauthrin Mabel died May 12, 2004.
455 Marcyea Weeks Bielefeldt Marcyea died June 21, 2004.
456 Marie Shellard Marie died November 25, 2003.
457 Maxine Park Bowie Maxine died June 1, 2004
458 Melva Sherman Chisholm Melva died June 15, 2004.
459 Mildred Beck Kuyk Mildred died August 26, 2004.
460 Opal Allen Worley Opal died December 11, 2003.
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461 Agnes Conger Alvord Agnes died August 7, 2004.
462 Alice Crannell Hockens Alice died April 26, 2004.
463 Ann Mackey Ann died July 4, 2004.
464 Anna Kline Anna died 1/3/2004.
465 Arleen Fulton Hanson Arleen died August 18, 2004.
466 Arlene Johnson Brainard Arlene died January 20, 2004.
467 Audrey Asay Stone Audrey died August 20, 2004.
468 Austin Finnessy Austin died June 22, 2004.
469 Bernadine Mcloughlin Rosenboom Bernadine died 12/15/2003.
470 Carl Zimmerman Carl died January 17, 2004.
471 Carl Zimmerman Carl died 1/17/2004.
472 Carroll Drake Ball Carroll died 6/26/2004.
473 Clinton Kelley Clinton died August 14, 2004.
474 Darlene Andrews Montgomery Darlene died 5/31/2004.
475 Donald Blanchard Donald died June 20, 2004.
476 Doris Bane Doris died November 2, 2003
477 Doris Bane Doris died 11/2/2003.
478 Dorothy Fitzgerald Dorothy died July 21, 2002.
479 Dorothy Nagle Adams Dorothy died 8/23/2004.
480 Edith Reaney Busch Edith died August 7, 2004.
481 Edith Reed Edith died May 7, 2004.
482 Edna Padovan Edna died October 2, 2004
483 Edwin Shank Edwin died 12/22/2003.
484 Eleanor Hill Busch Eleanor died June 5, 2004.
485 Eleanor Kreussel Wheaton Eleanor died February 10, 2004.
486 Eleanor Schaefer Anderson Eleanor died December 13, 2003
487 Elenore Crummer Anderson Elenore died April 7, 2004
488 Elfrieda Herlte McHaffie Elfrieda died October 2, 2004.
489 Ellis Wilhite Ellis died February 18, 2004.
490 Elsie Showers Wilmeth Elsie died December 15, 2003.
491 Emma Spongeberg Thompson Emma died July 1, 2004.
492 Eva Avery Toft Eva died April 16, 2004.
493 Evelyn Howe Jensen Evelyn died 6/30/2004.
494 Evelyn Snook Laws Evelyn died July 10, 2004
495 Evelyn Sorenson Wise Evelyn died February 20, 2004.
496 Everett Ludley Everett died January 2, 2004.
497 Florence Drew Wenthold Florence died September 22, 2004.
498 Florence Hackbarth Hecht Florence died June 1, 2004.
499 Gilbert DeBoer Gilbert died August 8, 2004.
500 Gladys Reeve Wenthe Gladys died November 7, 2004.
501 Gladys Ryan Brown Gladys died August 26, 2004.
502 Glenn Miller Glenn died 5/11/2004.
503 Government code breaker dies Velva Klaessy served as cryptanalyst for the United States Government during World War Two. She died in 2005 in her home.
504 Harold Richterman Harold died 12/16/2003
505 Harriet Higgins Draper Harriet died December 11, 2003.
506 Hazel Wise McDaniel

Hazel died April 8, 2004.

507 Helen Green DeSart Helen died May 17, 2004.
508 Helen Harding Stephen Helen died 8/21/2004.
509 Helen Harding Stephen Helen died August 21, 2004.
510 Helen Mckinley Johnson Helen died January 5, 2004
511 Helen Risser Semelroth Helen died 1/9/2004
512 Irene Dvorak Knilans Irene died April 6, 2004.
513 Irene Rafferty Shaw Irene died February 10, 2004.
514 Irma Rolfes Hungerford Irma died March 9, 2004.
515 Jane Becknell Wassom Jane died January 24, 2004.
516 Jane Becknell Wassom Jane died 1/24/2004.
517 Janet Juel Austin Janet died 6/28/2004.
518 Jean Elliott Cuvelier Jean died September 4, 2004.
519 June Azeltine Blow June died 2/3/2004,
520 June Morrell June died June 12, 2003
521 Lenore Swanson Cole Lenore died 11/21/2003.
522 Leona Dominy McCarville Leona died 10/18/03.
523 Leona Schroeder Leona died February 9, 2004
524 Leone Adams Brown Leone died 4/3/2003.
525 Lester Atherholt Lester died January 2, 2004.
526 Lily Primus Minium Lily died January 15, 2004.
527 Lois Hanson Bergland Lois died February 14, 2004
528 Lola Heiland Castle Lola died January 17, 2004.
529 Luella Raab Mundel Luella died March 22, 2004
530 Luella Schlotfelt Luella died August 16, 2004.
531 Luella Schlotfelt Luella died 8/16/2004.
532 Lyola Gage Patin Lyola died April 12, 2004.
533 Mabel Tjossen Wall Mabel died December 18, 2003.
534 Madelon Capp Carlile Madelon died 12/3/2003.
535 Margaret Good Larkin Margaret died January 25, 2004.
536 Margaret Jones Margaret died 2/2/2004.
537 Margaret Kurtz Boardman Margaret died July 14, 2004
538 Margaret Lynch Canty Margaret died August 10, 2004.
539 Marione Ross Boller Marione died July 20, 2004
540 Marjorie Hayden McCabe Marjorie died 12/31/2003.
541 Marlys Hyuck McCunnif Marlys died January 8, 2004.
542 Mary King Brobst Mary died 1/13/2004.
543 Mary Martin Langen Mary died August 14, 2004.
544 Mary Pavlicek McLintock Mary died February 1, 2004.
545 Mary Stucker Shovar Mary died 8/14/2004.
546 Maxine Foster Reisner Maxine
547 Maxine Trunkey Pearson Maxine died 3/11/2014.
548 Meridith Griffling Meridith died March 3, 2004.
549 Merle Vaughn Merle died July 8, 2004
550 Mildred Schuster Cate Mildred died April 30, 2004
551 Mina Griggs Packer Mina died November 17, 2003.
552 Palma Borlaug Behrems Palma died March 5, 2004.
553 Phyllis Ruppelt Phyllis died 10/10/2004.
554 Poet laureate dies Mona Van Duyn died December 2, 2004.
555 Ralph Gordon Hoxie Ralph died October 23, 2002.
556 Reba Clampitt Martin Reba died May 20, 2004
557 Richard Hammans Richard died January 16, 2003.
558 Rita Dunn Howe Rita died 1/24/2004.
559 Robert Werner Robert died 4/12/2004.
560 Ruth Bahnsen Rohwedder Ruth died April 4, 2004.
561 Ruth Boardman Ridenour Ruth died October 28, 2003.
562 Ruth Cadam Weedman Ruth died July 9, 2004.
563 Ruth Harding Cooper Ruth died May 30, 2004
564 Ruth Johnson Rock Ruth died 1/26/2004.
565 Sophus Helm Sophus died December 9, 2003.
566 Velma Harman Haupt Velma died December 27, 2003.
567 Velva Klaessy Velva died September 16, 2004.
568 Vera Mae Beltz Vera died July 14, 2004.
569 Verona Radig Bernston Verona died March 21, 2004.
570 Vila Magee Warrington Vila died January 27, 2004.
571 Viola Arenson Viola died August 21, 2003.
572 Wayne Davenport Wayne died August 23, 2014
573 Wayne Davenport Wayne died August 23, 2004.
574 Wayne VanDeest Wayne died December 8, 2003.
575 Wilma Tallman Wilma died 9/12/2004
576 Winifred Beeler Kline Winifred died May 23, 2004
577 Zoe Cleveland Jordan Zoe died April 10, 2004.
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# Article Article Summary
578 Annette Klasen Armitage Annette died 2/27/2003.
579 Barbara Phares Bromann Barbara died 5/15/2004.
580 Barbara Picht Kleiner Barbara died 6/30/2003.
581 Beth Olmsted Linder Beth died 8/25/2004.
582 Beverly Hanson Hartwig Beverly died 6/21/2004.
583 Calvin Mether Calvin died 11/20/2003.
584 Carl Benner Carl died 11/1/2003.
585 Carol Reinecke Shimp Carol died 6/3/2004.
586 Carolyn Nelson Carolyn died 3/15/2004.
587 Charlotte Sawyer Rowlison Charlotte died 10/21/2003.
588 D Jay Doonan D Jay died 5/23/2003.
589 David Pimlott David died 10/31/2004.
590 Dolores Heath Mertz Dolores died 7/24/2004.
591 Don Anderson Don died 6/22/2004.
592 Donald Hugh Donald died 9/17/2004.
593 Donald Kristensen Donald died 10/14/2004.
594 Donald Narveson Donald died 2/12/2004.
595 DonnaLou Peterson Kester DonnaLou died 8/14/2004.
596 Edward Versluis Edward died 11/14/2003.
597 Eloise Hanson Straight Eloise died 3/24/2004.
598 Ethel Hammond Fritcher Ethel died 8/9/2004.
599 Gary Sutter Gary died 1/29/2004.
600 Gary Svetly Gary died 3/29/2003.
601 George Worthington George died 12/4/2003.
602 Gerald Bisbey Gerald died 7/8/2004
603 Gerald Johnson Gerald died 7/15/2004
604 Gerald Johnson Gerald died 7/15/2004
605 Henry Bruns Henry died 6/10/2004.
606 Irene Maddocks Mcgrew Irene died 8/25/2004.
607 Jacqueline Earon Jacqueline Earon died 5/7/2004
608 James Geiselhart James died 3/29/2004.
609 James Merrill James died 7/21/2004.
610 Jane Woeber Thuenen Jane died 3/9/2004.
611 Jay Hoffman Jay died 4/2/2004.
612 John Sewell John died 8/10/2004.
613 Josephine Jordan Megivern Josephine died 9/26/2004.
614 LaVohne Thompson LaVohne died 9/7/2004.
615 Lois Lockhart Shover Lois died 4/1/2004.
616 Lois Stratton Seebach Lois died 11/6/2003.
617 Lucille Sievers Warner Lucille died 3/22/2004.
618 Mabel Vonglon Hamer Mabel died 10/25/2003.
619 Margaret Olson Hearity Margaret died 1/21/2004.
620 Marianna Trekell Marianna died 10/11/2004.
621 Marilyn Somers Miller Marilyn died 2/16/2004.
622 Marjorie Baker Fish Marjorie died 11/24/2013.
623 Marjorie Holderness Marjorie died 5/6/2004.
624 Marlys Creswell Paige Marlys died 6/19/2004.
625 Mary Galloway Paup Mary died 5/12/2004.
626 Mary Stark Clark Mary died 8/29/2004.
627 Mary White Kimmell Mary died 3/24/2004.
628 Ramona Hesse Ramona died 10/24/2004.
629 Richard Brinkmeyer Richard died 6/21/2004.
630 Richard Halland Richard died 7/8/2004
631 Robert Byrnes Robert died 5/28/2004.
632 Robert Kail Robert died 2/18/2004.
633 Rodney Hakeman Rodney died 5/19/2004.
634 Ruth Nordskog Strohbehn Ruth died 2/21/2004.
635 Ruth Ryan Wilcox Ruth died 6/14/2004.
636 Sidney Crookshank Sidney died 6/15/2004.
637 Steven Ernst Steven died 2/9/2004.
638 Verna Viel Schildroth Verna died 5/2/2004.
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# Article Article Summary
639 Delivering on the promise: the next step
Calhoun--William D. (Advancement Staff)
Vice President William Calhoun considers the achievements of the Students First Capital Campaign; looks the UNI's future; photo.